German family, German family members and German relatives

German family, German family members, German family members, German family, German family introduction, German relatives, German parents, German family, German family members.

Dear friends In this lesson, we will talk about German family members.
We have listed German family members and German relatives below.

Our precious trip was compiled from the shares of our members who are enrolled in the German forums below, as well as some small letter mistakes etc. as they are collected from the members' share. , the following lesson was not prepared by the AlMancax instructors, so it may contain some mistakes, you can visit the AlMancax forum to reach the lessons prepared by AlMancax instructors.

KOSENAMEN: (Abbreviated names)
Vater = Papa, Vati
Mutter = Mutti, Mama
Großvater = Opa, Großpapa
Großmutter = Oma, Großmutter

German Family members;

Die Familie: (Family)

der Vater / Papa / Papi (father)
die Mutter / Mama / Mami (mother)
die Eltern (parent / parent)
die Kinder (children)
der Sohn (son)
die Tochter (daughter)
der Bruder (brother)
die Schwester (sister)
die Geschwister (brothers)

der grandvater
die Grossmutter (grandmother)
die Grosseltern (grandparent)
der Opa (grandfather)
die Oma (nine)

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der Onkel (uncle / uncle)
die tante (still / aunt)
der Neffe
die Nichte
der Cousin (uncle / uncle / still son)
die Cousine (uncle / uncle / still daughter)

der Bräutigam (groom)
die Braut (bride)
der Schwiegervater
die Schwiegermutter (mother-in-law)
die Verwandte (relatives)

(The words Grosseltern, Eltern, Geschwister, Kinder, Verwandte are always used in plural form.)

Andere Wörter: (other words)

der Zwillingsbruder: twin brother
die Zwillingsschwester: twin sister (sisters)
das Baby: baby
der Enkel: male grandchild
die Enkelin: girl grandchild
Enkelkinder (Pl.): Grandchildren

die Ehefrau: wife (female)
der Ehemann: wife (male)
das Ehepaar: husband and wife
die Verlobte: fiancé (girl)
der Verlobte: engaged

der Schwager: brother-in-law, brother-in-law
die Schwägerin: sister-in-law, sister-in-law, elti
die Schwiegermutter: mother-in-law
der Schwiegervater: father-in-law
die Schwiegertochter: bride
der Schwiegersohn: the groom

die Stiefmutter: stepmother
der Stiefvater: stepfather
die Stieftochter: stepdaughter
der Stiefsohn: step-son

If you have any questions about our German family members, we welcome you to our forums.


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