German Separable Verbs and Cümlede Uses

In this lesson, we will examine the subject of Separable Verbs in German and Their Use in Sentences. As you know, we have seen it in our previous video lessons.

Separable verbs had a specific usage style and the way of using these verbs in sentences had to be learned well.

In our video about the verbs which can be separated in German below, we will give examples of these verbs and we will see in more detail how these verbs are used in the sentence.
Please follow carefully:

Let us once again give a list of separable verbs that we have given in our previous lessons:

Examples of actions that can be separated in German:

Wir ceremony mit der Übung auf. Wir haben mit der Übung aufgehört.

Du steigst in Cologne um. Du bist in Cologne umgestiegen.

Ich fahre morgen um 8 Uhr ab. Ich bin um 8 Uhr von Bonn abgefahren.

Ich lege in den Brief. Ich habe in den Brief eine Karte

Der Zug kommt um 12 Uhr an. Ich bin um 11 Uhr angekommen.

Die Frauen kaufen auf dem Markt ein. Die Frauen haben auf dem Markt eingekauft.

Der Mann geht im Park durch. Der Mann ist im Park durchgegangen.

Er nimmt ständig zu. Er hat ständig zugenommen.

Das Kind geht mit den Eltern ins Kino mit. Das Kind ist mit den Eltern ins Kino mitgegangen.

Der Schüler liest den Satz nach. Der Schüler hat den Satz nachgelesen.

Der Lehrer liest den Text vor. Der Lehrer hat den Text vorgelesen.

Mein Freund kommt oft vorbei. Mein Freund ist oft vorbeigekommen.

Mein Hund läuft manchmal weg. Mein Hund ist manchmal weggelaufen.

Der Junge geht abends aus. Der Junge ist abends ausgegangen.

Papi kommt um 20 zurück. Papi ist um 20 Uhr zurückgekommen.

Der Bus stoßt mit dem PKW zusammen. Der Bus ist mit dem LKW zusammengestoßen.

RİSALE-İ NUR'AN VECİZELERLife capital is scarce. There are many things you need.

The wisdom and the fact that man is sent to this world; It is to recognize the Hâlik-ı Kâinat and to believe and worship Him.

The most grateful thing is that you do not forget the Hereafter for the World, and you do not sacrifice the Hereafter to the world.

The most important work that Hâlık-i Rahman wants from his worship is thankful.

In your act, Rizâ-y must be Divine. If he is good, then the whole world is not worthless.

This world is a fan. the biggest case is to win the real world. If the person is not strong enough, the case loses.

In their cruel glory, they remain in a state of oppression and migrate from here. So a court-cube is left.

Sultan-ı universe is one, the key of all is next to him, the rest of everything is in the hands of Him.

WHY IS SIMPLE ENERGY? CLICK TO LEARNWHAT IS HUMAN'S BIGGEST CALL? CLICK TO LEARNHOW MUCH LESSONS LEARNED IN THE LITHIUM HOW WE DEFINED GOD? CLICK TO LEARNAs explained in the Youth Guide, youth will go without a doubt. In summer and winter, and in the daytime transition and night shift, youth will change to even oldness and death. If all of your favors and temporary youth are consumed in chastity with the chastity of the vows, all the semaqi fermans give good news that they will have an eternal youth.

If you exhort, how can you take a minute for a minute of violence, punishes millions of jail time; so it confirms with the youthful experience of the youthful pleasures and delicacies of the unauthorized youth, and the soulfulness of the Hereafter and the grace of the grave and the zawâl, and of the souls of the same taste, apart from the sins and earthly majzahs.
If you go in the direction of the circle, youth will be a very nice and beautiful blessing and a sweet and powerful means of life as a brilliant and bountiful youth in the Hereafter, especially as a Qur'an with a very high level of all semaviv books and fermans they give notice and good news. If this is the truth. And now, the law is a sacred space. And since the haram is a clock flavor, sometimes a year and 10 years imprisonment will be taken. Of course, as a blessing to the blessing of youth, it is necessary and necessary to spend that sweet blessing in the affection and direction.

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