German Conjunctions

Dear students, we will see the German conjunctions (Konjunktionen) in this lesson. Conjunctions are words that link two or more words together. Conjunctions can link not only words but also sentences.

We recommend that you carefully examine our wonderful lecture on German conjunctions (Konjunktionen). Almancax trainers prepared for you. The topic of German conjunctions is one of the topics that need to be learned thoroughly in terms of correct formation of German sentences and sentence diversity. The topic of German conjunctions is usually taught not to beginners to learn German, but to those with a little more basic and intermediate level of German.

According to the education curriculum in our country, only “ve"" A few conjunctions such as ”are taught in 9th and 10th grade, other conjunctions are taught in 11th and 12th grade.

Now let's start our topic called German conjunctions. On the topic of German conjunctions, we will see the most used conjunctions in German. We will construct sample sentences about each conjunction and finish our topic.

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German und conjunction

Und connector : Und means "and". Its usage is like in Turkish and conjunction. Use of two or more words, for example two or more verbs, adjectives, nouns, etc. and it serves to link two sentences. Sample sentences about the German und conjunction are given below.

Muharrem and Meryem kommen.

Muharram and Meryem are coming.

Said and Hamza sprechen and kommen.

Said and Hamza are talking and coming.

Das Buch und das Heft sind rot.

The book and notebook are red.

Das Buch ist gelb und rot.

The book is yellow and red.

German sowohl… .. als connector, sowohl… .. wie connector

sowohl… .. als connector, sowohl… .. wie connector : Since these two conjunctions mean approximately the same, we dealt them in the same context. These two conjunctions mean "both… .. and". Their usage is the same. One can be used instead of the other. Check out the sample sentences about these conjunctions below.

Sowohl Efe als Mustafa kommen.

Both Efe and Mustafa are coming.

Omar sowohl läuft wie spricht.

Ömer both walks and talks.

Mein Bruder spricht sowohl Englisch als Deutsch.

My brother speaks both Turkish and German.

Der Ball ist sowohl gelb wie rot.

The ball is both yellow and red.

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German oder conjunction

oder conjunction : Oder means conjunction or (or). Its usage is like in Turkish. Below, we present sample sentences about the German oder conjunction for your use.

Die Katze ist gelb oder weiß.

The cat is yellow or white.

Ich gehe morgen oder übermorgen.

I'm leaving tomorrow or after tomorrow.

Muharrem spielt Basketball or singt.

Muharrem plays basketball or sings.

Mein Vater kauft das Brot or das Gebäck.

My father buys bread or biscuits.

German aber conjunction

aber conjunction : Aber conjunction but-but-lakin is translated into Turkish. Its general usage is similar to Turkish. Usually used to link two sentences. When connecting two sentences together, a comma is used before the aber conjunction. Sample sentences prepared by us about the German aber conjunction are available below.

Das Auto ist grün, das Rad ist blau.

The car is green but the bike is blue.

Mein Schwester spricht, aber nicht hort.

My sister is talking but not listening.

Ich mag lesen Buch, aber ich mag nicht Musik hören.

I like to read books but I don't like to listen to music

Ich kann laufen, aber ich kann nicht rennen.

I can walk but not run.

German sondern conjunction

final connector : The term conjunction, on the contrary, means the opposite. It connects two sentences. You can find the sample sentences written by the almancax team about the last conjunction.

Der Tisch ist nicht blau, sondern rot.

The table is not blue, but red.

Ahmet ist nicht im Garten, last er ist in der Schule.

Ahmet is not in the garden, on the contrary he is in the school.

Das ist nicht Ahmet, last Hasan.

This is not Ahmet, on the contrary, it is Hasan.

Meine Mutter kommt nicht, sondern geht.

My mother is not coming, on the contrary, she is leaving.

German denn conjunction

denn connector : Denn conjunction means because it usually connects two sentences. The almancax team has prepared some sample sentences about the German denn conjunction for you. Examine the sentences below.

Ich kann heute nicht rennen, denn ich bin mude.

I can't run today because I'm tired.

Ich schwitze, denn ich spiele Fußball.

I'm sweating because I'm playing football.

Lara kann kein Auto kaufen, denn sie hat kein Came.

Lara can't buy a car because she has no money.

Ich lese Buch nicht, denn ich mag nicht lesen.

I don't read books because I don't like to read.

Dear students, words or phrases that we call conjunctions help link sentences together. In german the Konjunktion They are of different types according to the sentences they are in and separated. Some conjunctions, especially in German, do not have Turkish equivalents.

Before finishing the topic of German Conjunctions, we will give more detailed information and a few tables for more advanced friends. Friends who are just starting to learn German or just learning German conjunctions do not need to obtain the following information. The information we have given above is sufficient. Now, let's give some brief information about German conjunction types.

Conjunctions that Separate Words of the Same Type (Nebenordnende Conjunctionen)

The conjunctions in this group are responsible for connecting the same type of words or sentences. Sentence constructions are the same as the basic sentence.

German Conjunction Mean in Turkish
and ve
or or a
denn because
but loves
but on the contrary / rather
but nevertheless
  • and ve or It is used without commas while it is preferred for binding clauses.
  • denn aber sondern doch When used, sentences are separated by commas.
  • aber sondern doch conjunctions are used to separate basic sentences.
  • denn The conjunction is used only to link words or phrases in the main sentence.
  • Another feature is that when the subject or verb used in the second sentence is the same, repetition is not required.

Sentences with More Than One Context

The conjunctions in this group also help to connect words of the same type. Nebenordnende Konjunktionen are counted in the group. These commonly used conjunctions in German are tabulated below.

German Conjunction Mean in Turkish
entweder… oder what about ... ya
sowohl… als auch Besides the
weder… noch grandmother
zwar ... aber … but …
nicht nur… sondern auch not only… but also


Conjunctions that Separate Different Types of Words (Unterordnende Conjunctionen)

The conjunctions in this group are responsible for connecting the main sentences and subordinate sentences. There is a rule of separation with commas in such sentences.

German Conjunction Mean in Turkish
as soon as As soon as
because because
I nachdem after that
obwohl despite
so far until now
if if
while during
ob whether it is or not
damit so / for
when when
before without
indemnity during / while
da -because of
as a -while
dass it
up to until
solange … As long as
seit / seitdem since
Used as conjunction preposition words;
German Preposition Mean in Turkish
previously previously
In addition ayrıca
deswegen That's why
respectively rather
just as same way
dann after / after that
I trotzdem yine de

Dear friends, this was all the information we were going to give you about the topic of German conjunctions. We have seen both the most used German conjunctions above and we have made many sample sentences related to these conjunctions. As the almancax team, we continue to produce original contents for you that you cannot find anywhere. You can also create different sentences yourself and improve your foreign language based on the example German sentences above.

We wish you luck.

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