German case study (Akkusativ) Exercises

Excerpts from the German language and narration about the subject matter of the subject (Akkusativ)

Dear friends, the German name (Akkusativ) is a very important subject, the names in a sentence type are usually used in the case of the name Akkusativ.

In addition, many verbs in German are also used together with objects taken from Akkusativ.

In German, Akkusativ, as you know, is simply to change the article of the names that are called artikelini den.
There is no change in the names of das and dies.

Now let's give a few examples:

der Tisch: Table
den Tisch: Table

der Mann: Adam
den Mann: Man

der Radiergummi: Eraser
den Radiergummi: Silgiyi


To give an example with the names of articulated das or dies;

das Buch: Book
das Buch: The Book

die Blume: Flower
die Blume: Flower

It is possible to give examples.

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Now you also have to take the following words according to their name.

das Radio

das Kind

das Fahrrad

der Motor

die Margerite

die Beere

der Freitag

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