Good night in german

What does good night mean in German? How do you say good night in German? Dear friends, now we will learn how to say good night to someone in German.

German Goodnight "Good nightIt is expressed in the form. Good night statement “Goutı NahtIt is pronounced as ”.



If you wish, this lesson is not limited to just the Gute Nacht expression, but let's briefly take a look at some German greetings and farewells. Thus, let's learn new German words.

Good morning: Guten Morgen (gu: tın morgan)
Good day (consult): Guten Tag (gu: tin ta: g)
Good evening: Guten Abend (gu: tin abint)
Good night: Gute Nacht (gu: ti naht)
See you soon: Bis bald (bis balt)
Goodbye: Auf Wiedersehen (auf vi: dırze: ın)
Goodbye: Auf Wiederhören (auf vi: dırhö: rın)
Goodbye: Mach's Gut (mahs gu: t)

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