German Self-Introduction Codes

German Self-Introduction Codes
Post Date: 17.09.2024

In this lesson, we will give information about introducing yourself in German and giving information about ourselves in German, dear friends. Let's introduce ourselves in German and give some information about ourselves.

Now we will learn how to introduce ourselves to people we meet for the first time and how to inform about ourselves. For example, we will see below the phrases of saying our name in German and asking for the other party's name, asking and saying the age in German, asking for the German state, general conversation, greeting and saying goodbye.

We are examples below Introduce yourself in German we will give you the sentences, the self-introductions we give you are mold and you can change the words we color in the sentence according to you.

For example, in our sample sentence, we will say I am twenty years old, but you can change the twenty part according to you, and you can adapt the sentence by bringing that number there. Or, in a sentence like I am Balıkesirli, you can change the word Balıkesir and write your hometown.

Now let's go to German self-introductions.

German Self-Introduction Codes

Now, the tablarda we will give below will include questions about self-introduction statements as well as where to find the person we are and how old we are.
Since such introductions and recognition cues often take the form of mutual dialogue, there are also a number of other German sentences and phrases that can be used in a dialogue and which may be of interest to the employer.

Ich heiße Muharram My name Muharram
Mein Name ist Muhammad Said My name is Muhammad Said
I am Student Ben I'm a student
I am teacher Ben My teacher
I am neunundvierzig Jahre alt Forty-nine years old
Ich bin ein Türke I'm a My Turkey
I am Müslimisch Ben My Muslim
Ich komme aus İstanbul From Istanbul I am coming
Ich lebe in Balıkesir in Balıkesir I live
Ich wohne in Bursa In Bursa I'm sitting
I am married Married
I have save Child My child yok
I have two Child Two I have children
Meine Hobbys sind read and Internet My hobbies okumak ve it is the internet
Mr. Efe Bay EFE
Ms. Gokce Ladies Gokce
Fräulein Gokce Ladies Gokce (It is called single maid)

You can change and customize the words in the above table that are colored in red.
Now let's learn some other phrases that will help our business in situations like meeting and greeting again.

German Self Introduction and Meetings

Now that we have learned to give information about ourselves, let's learn how to ask various questions.

We can ask one of us with two types of sentence.

  • What is your name? : Wie heissen Sie?
  • Who are you? : Wer bist du?

Now look at other shots about asking names to other people:

  • Wie heißt du? What is your name?
  • Wie heißt er? What is his name?
  • Wie heißt ihr? What is your name?
  • Wie heißen sie? What's their name?

Wie heißen sie? : What is their name?

Sie heißen Jens und Jasmin Their names are Jens and Jasmin.

Heißt du Yusuf? Is your name Yusuf?

Ja, ich heiße Yusuf : Yes, my name is Yusuf

If we were to ask someone else about us then:

Who is this? so we ask who this is.

Wer ist das so who is this question Das ist Mustafa .

Who is this? : Das ist Zafer. (This is Victory)
Who is this? : Das ist Isma (This thing)
Who is this? Das ist Herr Göksu. (This is Mr. Göksu)
Who is this? : Das ist Frau Tekin. (This lady is Tekin)
Who is this? : Das ist Hans. (This is Hans)

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Look carefully at the image we have prepared for you below.

Introducing German

Introducing German

Many examples of German self-introduction can be given, as you learn German personal pronouns on our site, the sentence in the present tense and the conjugation of the most commonly used verbs, you can also build different sentences on your own.

We have written a sample sentence below and translate the sentence yourself.

Introduce yourself in German We will be happy to write your questions, opinions and suggestions in the comment field below. We would like to wish you success in your German lessons.

Sample German Self Introduction Cümlesi

Ich heisse Kasus und bin 34 Jahre alt. Seit meiner Geburt lebe ich in Deutschland. Ich bin verheiratet und habe drei Kinder.Sie sind 13,9 und 7 Jahre alt.
Meine Hobbys sind Lesen, Internet, Kreuzworträtsel uvm

We wish you all the best in your German lessons. German self-promotion, dating, greeting and say goodbye to sentences such as sentences can search our site.

We also recommend you to watch our videos on our youtube channel about self-introductory sentences in German.

German self-introduction and introduction questions

You have learned some information about how to introduce ourselves in German and how to get to know the other person. Now try to understand and answer the following questions in German. There may be some questions that you do not know, you can make up for your deficiencies by studying the basic German lessons on our site.

Wie heißt du?

Wie ist dein Vorname?

Wie ist dein Familienname?

Wie ist deine Adresse?

Wo wohnst du?

Woher kommst du?

How old are you?

Wann ist dein Geburtstag?

Was machst du gern?

What are your hobbies?

Spielst du gern Fußball?

Kannst du schwimmen?

Kannst du Geige spielen?

Kannst du gut tanzen?

Wie ist deine Handynummer?

Sprichst du gern Deutsch?

Hast du Haustiere?

Was ist in Lieblingstier?