German School Parts, School Rooms, German Classrooms

In this lesson, we will give information about the German school introduction, German classrooms, classroom names, in other words, the departments of the German school. The sections of the German school are generally as follows. We will give our position first with visuals. Then we will give a written list of the school's departments in German.

German chemistry laboratory
German chemistry laboratory
German teachers' room
German teachers' room
German school garden
German school garden
German biology laboratory
German biology laboratory
German computer room
German computer room
German library
German library
German physics lab
German physics lab

German school departments

die Bibliothek: Library

der Schulhof: School garden

der Computerraum: Computer room

das Chemielabor: chemistry lab

das Physiklabor: Physics lab

das Biologielabor: Biology lab

das Lehrerzimmer: Teacher's room

die Sporthalle: Gym

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