German Conditional Clauses

Dear friends, the topic of our lesson that we will teach today German Conditional Clauses We will try to give information about how conditional sentences are constructed, with which questions and words.

This topic, called German conditional sentences and their types, was prepared by our forum members. It has the characteristics of summary information and lecture notes. Thank you to the friends who contributed. We present it for your benefit. It is informational.

German Conditional Clauses

German Conditional Clausesare sentences expressing that the event expected to occur in the basic sentence will take place depending on the condition specified in the clause. These sentences "Falls", "wenn" or a "Sofern" It is established using stipulating words. In addition, when asking questions in such sentences "Unter welcher Bedingung?" Under what conditions? And  "Wann?" When? It is seen that question patterns are used.

Stipulating words in German and their meanings

German Conditional Connector Mean in Turkish
when when / if
provided as long as
if if / if

Establishment of Conditional Clauses in German

We do not need to repeat the details about the conventions of conditional sentences because they have the same features as the conjunctions. We will try to illustrate with examples.

Basic sentence at the beginning

Ich kann nicht sehen, wenn ich keine Brille trage. / I can't see it when I don't wear glasses.

The Subordinate Sentence Being At The First

Falls es regnet, einen ich Regenschirm kaufen. / If it rains, I'll buy an umbrella.

Conditional Sentences That May Occur

It is used in sentences about events that are likely to be true. It is seen that both sentences are conjugated in the present tense.

Ich trage eine Sonnenbrille, wenn es sonnig ist. / I wear sunglasses when the sun is out.

Conditional Sentences That Cannot Be Fulfilled

In such conditional sentences, both the present and the past can be used.

Present tense

Used to express a situation that is currently unlikely to be true. Conjunctiv II conjugation is used when establishing both the main sentence and the clause.

Wenn es Paramist, werde ich es tun. / I will buy it if I have money. (I can't buy because I don't have money)

Past tense

In this sentence, situations that could not be true in the past are expressed. Again, conjunctiv II conjugation is used when establishing both the main sentence and the subordinate sentence.

Wenn ich dich liebte, würde ich dich heiraten. / If I loved you very much, I would marry you.

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