German Present Time (Prasens)

In our lessons with almancax, we entered the present tense and made simple sentences based on subject predicate compatibility.

In this lesson, we will give some information about the present time that was not given before, and we will continue with examples.
Here we will generally be on time and cues.
Now let us immediately tell the story and let us not give the current time.
In our previous lesson we talked about changes in verbs in the present tense. Let's continue now;

In German there are such verbs that when the present tenses are added to the verbs, the letter - e is placed between the verbs and the tenses.
Do you know why?
Because 3-4 consonants come together with the current time suffixes added to the root of the verb.
What are these verbs? These verbs are some verbs whose roots end with t - m - n - d.
Learning the most used of these actions will make our work easier.

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Our examples:

Talk: red - en
Breathe: ATM - Most
Working: arbeit - en
Calculate: rechn - en

Now let's take some shots of the actions we have inflected above:

arbeitst not arbeitest
arbeitt not arbeitet
rechnst not rechnest
rechnt not rechnet
atmst not atmest

arbeite (no need)
rechnen (no need)
throw (no need)
arbeiten (no need)
rede (no need)

This is what we are going to give about the changes that are now taking place in the case.
You can set up the code for yourself above.
We will continue with the present time again.
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With our best wishes ...

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