Nouns Subject Test in German

1. Which of the following can be a word in both a simple and an -i form?

2. Which of the following is a word in -i?

3. Which of the following is a word in -i?

4. Which of the words 1: Mann 2: Mensch 3: Lehrer 4: Liebe 5: Student 6: Kind shows a special case in case of nouns?

5. Which of the following changes is not valid for the -i state?

6. Which of the words 1: ein Lehrer 2: die Frau 3: eine Katze 4: das Kind 5: der Bruder 6: der Frau is definitely not in -i?

7. Which of the following is a word in the -e form?

8. Which of the following is a word in the -e form?

9. Which of the following is a word in the -e form?

10. Which of the following is not in the -e state?

11. Which of the changes given for the -e state of the name is wrong?

12. Which of the following is not in the -e state?

13. In which cases is die article turning into leather?

In which cases does the article 14 turn into das?

15. Which of the transformations for the -e state of the noun is wrong?

16. Which is in both the -e and the -in form of the noun?

17. How is the case of proper names made?

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