German Food German Drinks

In this course titled German food and drinks, we will present you German food names and German beverage names with great visuals. After learning the names of food and beverages in German, we will make sentences about food and drinks in this German that we learned.

Regarding the topic of German food and beverages, let's first point out that there are hundreds of kinds of food and hundreds of kinds of beverages in German cuisine. Of course, it is not possible to count all of the food and drinks in this lesson.

It is not possible and necessary for friends who are already learning German to learn all kinds of food and drink at once. For this reason, it is enough to learn the most common and frequently encountered food and beverage names in German in the first place. Later, as you improve ourselves, you can learn new German food and beverage vocabulary.

Let's see the German food and drinks one by one. We present the images we have prepared carefully for your almancax visitors.


German food and drinks - die Olive - Olive
German food and drinks - die Olive - Olive

German food and drinks - der Käse - Cheese
German food and drinks - der Käse - Cheese

German food and drinks - die Margarine - Margarine
German food and drinks - die Margarine - Margarine

German food and drinks - der Honig - Honey
German food and drinks - der Honig - Honey

German food and drinks - das Spiegele - Fried Eggs
German food and drinks - das Spiegele - Fried Eggs

German Food and Drinks - die Wurst - Sausage
German Food and Drinks - die Wurst - Sausage

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German Food and Drinks - das Ei - Egg (Raw)
German Food and Drinks - das Ei - Egg (Raw)

German Food and Drinks - das Brot - Bread
German Food and Drinks - das Brot - Bread

German food and drinks - das Sandwich - Sandwich
German food and drinks - das Sandwich - Sandwich

German food and drinks - der Hamburger - Hamburger
German food and drinks - der Hamburger - Hamburger

German food and drinks - die Suppe - Soup
German food and drinks - die Suppe - Soup

German food and drinks - der Fisch - Fish
German food and drinks - der Fisch - Fish

German food and drinks - das Hähnchen - Chicken (Cooked)
German food and drinks - das Hähnchen - Chicken (Cooked)

German food and drink - das Fleisch - Meat
German food and drink - das Fleisch - Meat

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German food and drink - die Nudel - Pasta
German food and drink - die Nudel - Pasta

German food and drinks - die Spaghetti - Spaghetti
German food and drinks - die Spaghetti - Spaghetti

German food and drinks - das Ketchup - Ketchup
German food and drinks - das Ketchup - Ketchup

German food and drink - die Mayonnaise - Mayonnaise
German food and drink - die Mayonnaise - Mayonnaise

German food and drink - der joghurt - yogurt
German food and drink - der joghurt - yogurt

German food and drink - das Salz - Salt
German food and drink - das Salz - Salt

German food and drinks - der Zucker - Candy
German food and drink - der Zucker - Candy


German drinks - das Wasser - Water
German drinks - das Wasser - Water

German drinks - die Milch - Milk
German drinks - die Milch - Milk

German drinks - die Buttermilch - Ayran
German drinks - die Buttermilch - Ayran

German drinks - der Tee - Tea
German drinks - der Tee - Tea

German drinks - der Kaffee - Coffee
German drinks - der Kaffee - Coffee

German drinks - der Orangensaft - Orange juice
German drinks - der Orangensaft - Orange juice

German drinks - die Limonade - Lemonade
German drinks - die Limonade - Lemonade

Dear friends, we saw the German food and drink names above. It is enough to learn so many German food and beverage names in the first place. You can then spend time learning new words as you find time.

Now let's use these German foods and drinks that we have learned in sentences. Let's make sample sentences about food and drinks in German.

For example, what can we say? Let's start with sentences like I like pasta, I don't like fish, I like lemonade, I want to drink tea.

We will also present sample sentences about food and beverages in German with visual support.


ich mag Fisch : I like fish

ich mag Fisch nicht : I don't like fish

Ich mag : I like yoghurt

Ich mag : I don't like yogurt

Private Mag Nudel : She likes pasta

Private mag Nudel nicht : She doesn't like pasta

Hamza mag Lemonade : Hamza loves lemonade

Hamza mag Lemonade nicht : Hamza doesn't like lemonade

Wir mögen Suppe : We love soup

Wir mögen Suppe nicht : We don't like soup

Now let's learn to make longer sentences like "I like soup but I don't like hamburgers". Now examine the sentence we will write below, we think you will understand the sentence structure better with the coloring method.

Omer mag Fish, but er mag Hamburger not

Omer fish severe, but o hamburger does not like

If we analyze the above sentence; Ömer is the subject of the sentence, and mag verb refers to the conjugation of the verb mögen according to the subject of the sentence, that is, the third person singular. The word fisch means fish, the word aber means but-only, er means the third person singular o, the word hamburger means hamburger as you already know, and the word nicht at the end of the sentence is used to make the sentence negative.

Let's make similar sentences again. Below, examine the images and sample sentences we have prepared carefully for almancax visitors.

German food and drink phrases

Zeynep mag Soup, but they mag noodle not

Zeynep soup severe but o macaroni does not like

Sentences about food and drinks in German

İbrahim mag yogurt, but er mag Mayonnaise not

İbrahim yoghurt severe but o mayonez does not like

Sentences about food and drinks in German

Melis mag Lemonade, but they mag Coffee not

Melis lemonade severe but o the coffee does not like

We can give the above sentences as an example to the sentences like "I like soup but I don't like pasta" regarding German food and beverages. Now let's look at another type of sentence that we can give as an example about food and drinks in German: Ohne and myth phrases.

As an example of German sentences made using Ohne and myth conjunctions “I drink tea without sugar","I eat pizza without tomato","I drink coffee with milkWe can give sentences like ”as an example.

Now let's make sentences about food and drink in German using the conjunctions "ohne" and "myth".


Let us now focus on various dialogues using the conjunctions of ohne and myth. Our dialogues will consist of a question and answer. In German, the conjunction ohne means -li, and the conjunction with myth means -li-with. For example, when saying I drink tea without sugar, the conjunction ohne is used, and when I say tea with sugar, the conjunction of myth is used. This is better understood in the examples below. Examine the sentences made with German ohne and myth.

ohne - myth phrases
ohne - myth phrases

Let's analyze the image above:

Wie trinkst du deinen Tee? : How do you drink your tea?

Ich trinke Tee ohne Zucker. : I drink tea without sugar.

ohne - myth phrases
ohne - myth phrases

Let's analyze the image above:

Wie isst du Pizza? : How do you eat pizza?

I like Pizza ohne Mayonnaise. : I eat pizza without mayonnaise.

ohne - myth phrases
ohne - myth phrases

Let's analyze the image above:

Wie isst du Hamburger? : How do you eat the hamburger?

I like Hamburger mit Ketchup. : I eat hamburgers with ketchup.

Dear friends, in this lesson, we saw sample sentences that we can make about German food, German drinks and German food and drink.

We wish you all success in your German lessons.

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