German antonyms, German antonyms, opposite meanings
dear friends, this is the subject we will teach this lesson German Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) it will be. Dear friends, this lesson has been prepared by our forum members and is a summary information. There may be some minor errors. It has been prepared for information purposes.
In German, just like in Turkish, there is an opposite meaning in elephants and words. Opposite words are words that can be encountered in all areas of life and especially useful in spoken language.
It can be used in general dilemmas. You might think it will be a fun subject since you will learn two words at the same time while learning antonyms in German. In this lesson, you will need to use your direction of memorization. At the end of our lesson, you will be able to learn and use words that contain opposite meanings. At the same time, the subject will be further consolidated thanks to a few examples given.
Antonyms in German
Good | good | → | Bad | Schlecht |
Beautiful | Nice | → | Ugly | Ugly |
Small | Small | → | Big | Gross |
Young | Jung | → | Old | Alt |
Uzun | Long | → | Short | Short |
Brokeree Solutions | Viel | → | Az | Little |
When it comes to choosing the right | Properly | → | False | Wrong |
Cold | Cold | → | Hot | Hot |
Rich | Rich | → | Fakir | Arm |
Fat | Thick | → | Weak | Thin |
Strong | Stark | → | Weak | Weak |
Hard | Hart | → | Soft | Soft |
Large | Wide | → | Give | Narrow |
Near | Well | → | Uzak | Far |
Marrow | Warm | → | Serin | Cool |
Healthy | Healthy | → | Until | Crank |
Late | Late | → | Early | early |
Dry | Trochen | → | Wet | Nass |
vowel | According to the | → | Quiet | Leiser |
Moving in Berlin | High | → | Low | Deep |
Dark | Dunkel | → | Bright | Hell |
Expensive | Expensive | → | Cheap | Cheap |
Easy, light | Slightly | → | Hard, heavy | schwer |
Cheerful | Fröhlig | → | Sad | Sad |
Dessert | Suss | → | Pain | Bitter |
Dessert | Suss | → | Sour | Sour |
Tok | Fed up | → | Hungry | hungrig |
Hardworking | Fleissig | → | Lazy | Foul |
Our Happy | Happy | → | Joyless | Unglucklich |
Fast | Instant | → | Slow | Slowly |
Full | Full | → | Null | Read |
Sample Sentences
Are you hungry? / Hast du hunger?
No, I'm full! / Nein, ich thousand sold!
How big is your house! / Wie gross ist deine Wohnung!
This is a small car. / Das ist ein kleines (das) Auto.