Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons

This section contains lessons and basic concepts for beginners or beginners in German. The topics are listed below in order, the higher the level goes from top to bottom.

For those who have completed all of the topics below, our next category is the German Tenses and Sentences section. All of the topics below have been prepared by almancax instructors, and support is also provided on almancax forums.

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons GERMAN ALPHABET (DAS DEUTSCHE ALPHABET)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons WEEKLY DAYS IN GERMANY (WOCHENTAGE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons MONTHS AND SEASONS IN GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons GERMAN COUNTRIES (ORDINALIZAHLEN)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons EXAMPLES OF GERMAN NUMBERS AND LARGE NUMBERS

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons PRACTICES ON GERMAN NUMBERS

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons Names in GERMANY (SUBSTANTIVE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons PERSONAL PRONOMINE IN GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons ARTICLES IN GERMAN (ARTICLE - GESCHLECHTSWORT)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons SPECIFIC ARTICLES IN GERMAN (BESTIMMTE ARTICLE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons UNKNOWN ARTICLES IN GERMAN (UNBESTIMMATE ARTICLE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons ARTICLES OF USE IN GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons TIPS FOR ARTICLES USING IN GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons NUMBER OF NUMBERS IN GERMAN (PLURAL)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons NUMBERS OF GERMANY IN GERMANY

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons NATIONAL HALLETS IN GERMAN (DEKLÄ°NATÄ°ON DER SUBSTANTÄ°VE)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons NAME IN GERMAN-I HALI (AKKUSATIV)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons DEPARTURE IN GERMAN -E HALI (DATÄ°V)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons NAME IN GERMAN -IN HALI (GENITIV)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons PERSONAL TIMES IN GERMAN AND DRAWINGS BY HALL

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons TIMELINE IN GERMANY (OWNER)

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons ADVERTISEMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS IN GERMAN

info Introduction to German - Basic German and German Grammar Lessons ADJECTIVE DRUGS ACCORDING TO NAME IN GERMAN

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