Where Do Germans Spend Their Money? Lifestyle in Germany

In Germany, every household enters an average gross amount of 4.474 euros per month. When taxes and fees are deducted, 3.399 euros remain. The largest part of this money, 2.517 euros, is spent on private consumption. Almost one-third to one-fourth of this - varying to the living area - is rented.

Percentage of Private Consumption Expenditures in Germany

Residence (35,6%)
Nutrition (13,8%)
Transportation (13,8%)
Leisure Time Assessment (10,3%)
Sightseeing (5,8%)
Home Furnishing (5,6%)
Clothing (4,4%)
Health (3,9%)
Communication (2,5%)
Education (0,7%)

What Items Are in German Homes?

Phone (100%)
Refrigerator (99,9%)
Television (97,8%)
Washing Machine (96,4%)
Internet Connection (91,1%)
Computer (90%)
Coffee Machine (84,7%)
Bicycle (79,9%)
Special Cars (78,4%)
Dishwasher (71,5%)

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If we make a comparison; In Germany, the people spend more than 35 percent of their income on rent, while the French don't even spend 20 percent of their income on it. Britons, on the other hand, spend roughly the same amount of money as Germans on nutrition, while they spend much more - almost 15 percent of their income - on leisure and culture.

Italians like to buy clothes the most. The 8 percent spending Italians spend on clothing is almost twice that in Germany.

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