A Wonderful German Alphabet Song, Das deutsche Alphabet

German alphabet with songs. A nice study for those who want to learn the German alphabet and pronunciation of letters. When we practice with such songs, we learn in a shorter time and more permanently.

The song is both nice and educational, and people listen to 3-4 times and immediately memorize the German alphabet.
We will continue to share these types of videos with you over time.
In particular, these types of videos make it possible for children and adults to learn in a short period of time.

As you will see on the video you will see now, there are some letters in German that are not in Turkish, and you will learn how to read these letters.
Before we go to the vocabulary in German, let us give you the German alphabet and the German alphabet.


a: aa
b: be
c: se
d: de
e: ee
f: ef
g: ge
h: ha
i: ii
j: yot
k: ka
l: el
m: em
n: en
o: oo
ö: öö
p: pe
q: qu
r: er
s: es
t: te
u: uu
ü: üü
v: fau
w: we
x: ix
y: ipsulon
z: set
ä: ae
ß: ss (It is written in some places as ss.)

In Germany some letters are used side-by-side and the following readings are generally used.
The following are the most encountered and there are special readings of the letters which are also side by side.

ei: read in months
ie: read as i
eu: as votes
sch: Read as
read as ch: h
z: read as ts
au: read as o
read as ph: f
sp: read as ch
st: read as

Note: ä, ü in the German alphabet is the umlaut (dotted) shape of the letters a (uo).

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