English Subject Narrative German Courses Learn German 6

English Subject Narrative German Courses Learn German 6
Post Date: 25.08.2024

Lecture video of German lectures with English lectures. We share with the thought that there are friends who can benefit from the 6th lesson video of the world famous Learn German series.

Some of our students complain that they can not solve the German system because they do not understand German.
Against such problems, especially those who speak a little English, they can comprehend German grammar structure more easily compared to German and English.

English subject narration and German lesson videos are a great resource for those who want to learn both German and English.
Although there are no certain similarities between German and Turkish grammar, there are many similarities between English grammar and German grammar.
You will also notice that most of the German words are similar to English words while watching the English lecture.
Words that are the same even in writing are numerous.
There are many similarities between German and English, although there are no language differences between German and Turkish, especially in sentence setups in time (tense).
You will also understand this while watching the German course videos in English.
However, we do not recommend that you do not have a direct connection between English and German, nor do you think of things like "It would be like that in English in English."
We never want to morse your morals, but German has a rather complex and more complex structure than English.
Therefore, the German language can not be generalized as English, it can not be connected to general and exact rules as English.
The rule in the German language is numerous, but each rule has its own exception.
It requires a definite memorization.

We wish you superior achievements in your German education life.
Do not hesitate to write an e-mail to our team if you have any questions you want to ask, do not know during your German education.
We will answer all questions as quickly as we can.

Now we are leaving you with English-language narrative German lessons: