Hair Loss Causes and Treatment

Women are among the common complaints of many people, especially hair loss. Among the causes of hair loss is usually due to many reasons, especially genetic origin.

Diseases such as various diseases, infection-related problems, intestinal parasites and sinusitis also affect hair loss. However, the lack of certain values ​​in the body among the factors triggering this condition also affects this situation. The main deficiencies are the deficiencies in B12, magnesium, zinc and iron values. Hair loss is one of the indispensable points in a person's hair health.

In order to regenerate the weakened hair, healthy hair formation is seen again after the loss. One of the points to be considered in hair loss is that the amount of shedding should be at a certain level.  

Hair loss becomes an unhealthy dimension if the amount of hair exceeds ten percent. Although hair loss can be prevented with various care and routines, it can also point to different diseases in various situations.

The average life expectancy of a hair strand found in a healthy individual varies between 4 and 6 years, and in an adult an average 100 has one strand. At the same time, the average hair loss in an adult individual varies between 100 and 150.

Causes of hair loss; can be attributed to many reasons. In cases of hair loss, the hair of male individuals is more genetically predisposed. Therefore, problems such as baldness are more common in later ages.

Although hair loss is less common than in men, it is based on several gene factors. Stress is also seen during periods such as imbalance in the hormones of the thyroid hormones, birth control pills, birth and lactation periods, and menopause.

Among the factors that cause hair loss, phases such as perming and dye, also known as hair care, also affect the hair negatively in a long time. Hair strands that may fall out due to different reasons are due to factors such as genetic factors, skin problems, malnutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal disorders, drugs used for various diseases, birth or chemotherapy processes, cosmetic products used, depression. can also be realized.

Prevent hair loss; Although many methods are applied for the purpose, the healthiest of them are those carried out with the support of a specialist.

If hair loss is present due to any disease, a process is processed accordingly. If needed, besides vitamin supplements, a protein-based nutrition process can be monitored. If proper diagnosis and treatment process is applied, hair loss condition decreases to normal levels.

One of the most important factors that should be considered by an individual who wants to prevent hair loss is to avoid an unconscious diet.

In addition to this, attention should be paid to stress, and the person should pay attention to the order in sleep. The person should also pay attention to the minerals and vitamins he / she gets. It is necessary to pay attention to cigarette and alcohol consumption and fast food habits.

The first thing that comes to mind is the drug treatment process which will be applied under expert control. Thus, the hair strands that are close to shedding and weak are gaining a thicker and healthier appearance.

In addition, this method is treated by injecting vitamins, minerals or circulating regulators into the hair by various methods.  

Herbal methods are sometimes applied in hair loss. Although this method is beneficial, if hair loss is developed due to various problems, expert control and a treatment process with this method is required.

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