German simple questions

> Forums > German Speech Patterns > German simple questions


    Are you hungry? sind sie hungrig?         
    did you get it? Is das klar?
    what's this? Was it das?
    What use is this?
    Is there ….. here? bekommt man hier?
    is it true? is das wahr?
    who's that? wer is da?
    How are you? wie geht es ihnen?
    What do you desire? Was wunshen sie?
    what happens? was it tut se?
    what is happening? was ist los?
    What? was ist los?
    where can I find? wo find ich?
    where are you going? wohin gehen sie ?
    why? warum?
    Who is next? wer is dran?
    Is it your turn? sind sie dran?
    Are you sleeping? sind sie wach?

    aybastili ekrem
    Exhibition Stand

    eline is my health friend.

    Exhibition Stand

    next my future friend

    Exhibition Stand

    Are you hungry? sind sie hungrig?  (Are you hungry)

    Acmisin Bist du Hungrig?

    Are you sleeping? sind sie wach?   (Guys up)

    Exhibition Stand

    Wo bist du gewesen = Where
    Ich habe dich gesucht = I was looking for you
    Ich habe schlechte Laune = moralim corrupted
    Ich habe keine Lust = I do not want to die

    aybastili ekrem
    Exhibition Stand

    Geben Sie mir, bitte…!
    Can you please give me…!
    Würden Sie mir einen Gefallen tun?
    Can you find me a favor?
    Was wünschen Sie?
    What do you want?
    Können Sie mir sagen,wo …ist?
    Can you tell me where … is?
    Möchten Sie…?
    …Would you like?
    Kann ich einmal phoneieren?
    Can I make a phone call?
    Kann ich faxen?
    Can I fax?
    Wo kann ich ein Internet-Cafe finden?
    Can I find an internetcafe in Beres?
    Wo kann ich E-mail you?
    Where can I send a mail?
    Darf ich Sie etwas fragen?
    Can I ask you something?
    Kann ich ihren stift nehmen?
    Can I have your pen?
    Können Sie …zeigen?
    Can you show…?
    Wo kann ich Wasser finden?
    Where can I find water?
    Was ist dieses Zeichen?
    What is this sign?
    Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
    Can I help you?
    Können Sie mir zeigen,wo …ist?
    Can you show me where… is?
    Wie können wir dorthin gehen?
    How do we get there?
    Wozu ist das?
    What is this for?
    What's happening?
    What is happening?
    Wie weit ist der Bahnhof?
    How far is the station?
    Wo ist das Informationsbüro?
    Where is the consultation office?
    Wann werden die Geschäfte geöffnet (geschlossen)?
    The stores are open forever (closing)?
    Wo ist die Bushaltestelle?
    Where is the bus stop?
    Wo ist die nächste Bank?
    Where is the nearest bank?
    Wo kann ich warten?
    Where can I wait?
    Wo kann ich mein Auto parken?
    Where can I park my car?

    Exhibition Stand

    danke schön friends
    but if you ask us to write in your readings briefly, you really need a lot of people
    I am sure you will at least be dead
    again danke schön


    I do not think that you can read this grammar much more than you think it is written in German and it is read like a letter written in English but it is read like a letter written in Turkish. I understand that there are some exceptions. I have a lot of satin ones like this.
    germany: germany
    I already read the word above
    Read as d
    eu: read (vote)
    read t: te
    sch: (read the dotted c)
    land: read as written
    ie doycland
    I'm sorry, my keyboard is european, so I figured out the dotted letter I hope you understand,8.0

    you will be able to read the letters and letters in the above topics
    I mean, if we read the words we want, we learn the memorandum and if you want to write something in the future, we will write apologize. We write some words here. You read your own words wrongly we have your wrong words.

    aybastili ekrem
    Exhibition Stand

    Mahmut I agree with you. It is also difficult to write some of the words, which is more difficult to learn.

    Exhibition Stand

    Acmisin = Bist du hungrig
    Did you understand = Haben Sie es verstanden (Alles klar = argo is)
    what do you desire = was wunschen Sie
    what do = do
    you sleep = Schlafen Sie

    Exhibition Stand


    Exhibition Stand

    or the information is very good, i'm very new in this place, but it is a very nice place

    Exhibition Stand

    I do not think that you can read this grammar much more than you think it is written in German and it is read like a letter written in English but it is read like a letter written in Turkish. I understand that there are some exceptions. I have a lot of satin ones like this.
    germany: germany
    I already read the word above
    Read as d
    eu: read (vote)
    read t: te
    sch: (read the dotted c)
    land: read as written
    ie doycland
    I'm sorry, my keyboard is european, so I figured out the dotted letter I hope you understand,8.0

    you will be able to read the letters and letters in the above topics
    I mean, if we read the words we want, we learn the memorandum and if you want to write something in the future, we will write apologize. We write some words here. You read your own words wrongly we have your wrong words.

    Hi sch Read like sek sekinin.
    tsch is like a canakkalenin c read alur alur alur alur greetings

    Exhibition Stand

    emrech I thank you for the lightening presentation I could not understand the dotted c with the canakkalen c ci do not mean the same yada sketchy s with sekerin s si just curiously looking at the bug

    Exhibition Stand

    I think what Mr. Emrech is trying to say is….What you made is a small letter or pronunciation mistake….

    SCH: read like a dotted s
    TSCH: dotted c, so pronounced like canakkale…

    Schlafen: slaf's
    deutschland: doycland
    tischler: tis

    Exhibition Stand

    Vielen danke .. :)

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