Lesson 4: Present-Day Sentence Setup

> Forums > German Times and Conventions > Lesson 4: Present-Day Sentence Setup


    Hello almancax members,
    In our first lesson in the second semester of almancax we will continue from where we last stayed.
    We have just entered the present tense and have established simple sentences based on subjectivity compatibility.
    In this lesson, we will give some information about the present time that was not given before, and we will continue with examples.
    In the second period we will generally be on time and cues.
    now let's just say it and let us give this derstich we do not give about the present time.
    In the previous lesson we talked about the changes that took place in the present times.
    There are such verbs in German that when present tense suffixes are added to these verbs, a – is added between the verb and the suffixes. e put the letter.
    Do you know why?
    Because 3-4 comes with the suffix of the present time, which is added to the root of the verb, sometimes this is the case. - And We will use the tag.
    What are these acts? These verb roots t – m – n – d Some of the words end with the letters.
    Learning the most used of these actions will make our work easier.
    Our examples:

    Talking: red - and
    Breathe: horsem - and
    Work: arbeit - and
    Making an account: rechn - and

    now let's do some shots of the actions we have inflected above:

    Arbeitstier değil  arbeitest
    arbeitt değil works
    rechnst değil rechnest
    rechnt değil rechnet
    atmst değil atmest

    arbeite (no need)
    rechnen (no need)
    throw (no need)
    arbeiten (no need)
    rede (no need)

    that's what we are going to give about the changes that are taking place in the present times.
    You can set up the code for yourself above.
    We will continue with the present time again.

    the masilh
    Exhibition Stand

    Ich arbeite im hotel
    du arbeitest glücklich nicht
    Sie arbeiten viel
    er / sie arbeitet nicht

    a_loh to
    Exhibition Stand

    Ich geche nach Istanbul
    Du gechest nach Deutschlan
    Er / Sie gechet nach Österreich
    Wir gechen nach hause
    Ihr late nach cinema
    Sie gechen nach garten
    Sie gechen nach hotel
    Ich kaufe
    Ich lerne

    Exhibition Stand

    I go
    Du gehst
    Er / sie / es geht
    Wir gehen
    Ihr geht ins Kino (in das)
    Sie gehen ins Kino
    Sie gehen in den Garten
    Sie gehen zum Hotel
    Sie gehen ins Hotel

    correction :)

    a_loh to
    Exhibition Stand

    I think it is useful to show examples with pronouns. For example; do not the above need to be clearer for new learners?
    Ich gehe
    Du gehst
    Er / Sie / es geht
    wir gehen
    Ihr geht in das Kino
    Sie gehen in das kino
    Si gehen in den garten
    Sie gehen su dem hotel (das, das dem, des)
    Sie gehen sum hotel
    Sie gehen in das hotel
    Sie gehen ins hotel
    Many Thanks.

    you miracle
    Exhibition Stand

    ich gehe in die Apotheke
    du gehst einkaufen oder in den Supermarkt
    er geht in das Schuhgeschäft
    sie geht in das Obst geschäft
    es geht in die Traffic
    wie gehen zum Fleischer
    ihr geht zum Bäcker
    sie gehen in das Kleidergeschäft
    Sie gehen in das Sportgeschäft.

    Exhibition Stand

    I think it is useful to show examples with pronouns. For example; do not the above need to be clearer for new learners?
    Ich gehe
    Du gehst
    Er / Sie / es geht
    wir gehen
    Ihr geht in das Kino
    Sie gehen in das kino
    Si gehen in den garten
    Sie gehen su dem hotel (das, das dem, des)
    Sie gehen sum hotel
    Sie gehen in das hotel
    Sie gehen ins hotel
    Many Thanks.

    Hi a_loha Thank you for the examples you gave. But bi is like how much correction is required!

    Sie gehen su dem hotel (das, das dem, des) – Sie gehen zu dem Hotel
    Sie gehen sum hotel – Sie gehen zum Hotel

    I suppose it must be dyed!

    Exhibition Stand

    Hello there.
    my question was something I wanted to ask ..
    Instead of saying I am coming in Turkish, we say that I come by making the subject a hidden subject. Is there the same usage in german? Can we say gehe instead of saying ich gehe, or is there a similar short usage?

    Exhibition Stand

    My esteemed teacher Mikail will answer this question in more detail...

    I believe every learner of German asks this question...

    even if he asks his friend next to him ..

    But unfortunately the answer he gets is always negative...

    My German teacher answered me like this, look, I'm writing it exactly as it is...

    "It's a good question... but don't tire your brain with so many subtle questions in your head right now, you will answer these questions yourself, just listen to me regularly for 3 months, that's what I want from you."

    I listened to our teacher for three months...

    It doesn't fit the German grammatical structure...

    Exhibition Stand

    Dear Seca; The rules of German and Turkish are different; there is no hidden subject in German. Besides, saying "ich" isn't that hard either. ;D

    Exhibition Stand

    how beautiful

    I recalled my fond days again

    Exhibition Stand

    Ich gehe mit meinen Freunden ins cafe.
    Ich trage die Tasche.
    Du tragst den Koffer.
    Jetzt schreibst du die Adresse.
    Er bringt dem Freunden den Koffer.
    Sie geht mit ihren Freunden nach Haus.

    Exhibition Stand

    Ich gehe mit meinen Freunden ins cafe.
    Ich trage die Tasche.
    Du tragst den Koffer.
    Jetzt schreibst du die Adresse.
    Er bringt dem Freunden den Koffer.
    Sie geht mit ihren Freunden nach Haus.

    du trâgst den koffer

    nach Hause

    Exhibition Stand

    Thanks for fixing it, my friend, but it is not on the keyboard, I do not know how to write in this letter and msg section, this is the reason why I type it, I constantly get warnings like this, I will be glad if you teach me how to write

    Exhibition Stand





    FOR SIDE + Â

    SHIFT + ^ + A


    Exhibition Stand

    dear, I know it, but there are no two points in the small letter 'a' in German, I asked it, it is in the articles of some of our friends. It was something caused by the keyboard. Thank you seca

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