Give me german software tomorrow and I have an urgent need to answer this 3 question

> Forums > Questions and Answers about German Lessons > Give me german software tomorrow and I have an urgent need to answer this 3 question

    kereta caretta
    Exhibition Stand

    I have to answer these 3 questions tomorrow, can you help me, thanks in advance. You can answer according to your own opinion.

    1) Wie heißen die Fahreszeiten?
    2) welche Tanz magst du?
    3) wie ist das wetter in berlin?

    the yeliz_orh
    Exhibition Stand

    1.Question is ridiculous, what is the name of the driver's time?
    2.ich mag tango and waltz
    3.das wetter in berlin ist sonnig

    kereta caretta
    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you so much yuppi :) alkis :) dance :) halayy :)
    I wonder there are seasons in our subjects
    How can we answer "June, July, August are in summer"?

    the yeliz_orh
    Exhibition Stand

    juni, juli und august ist die Sommer Jahreszeit

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    I have to answer these 3 questions tomorrow, can you help me, thanks in advance. You can answer according to your own opinion.

    1) Wie heißen die Fahreszeiten?
    2) welche Tanz magst du?
    3) wie ist das wetter in berlin?

    It will be jahreszeit, not fahreszeiten. You wrote wrong.
    1- der Frühling: spring

    der Sommer: summer

    der Herbst:autumn

    der Winter: winter
    (articles of seasons and days are always DER)
    2-ich mag Tango und waltz
    3-das Wetter ist in Berlin sonnig (sunny in Berlin)
    or das Wetter ist in Berlin sehr schön (very nice weather in Berlin) ..
    das Wetter ist in Berlin regnet (rainy weather in Berlin)

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    die Jahreszeiten heißen Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter (the names of the seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter)

    I wish you success… (viel Erfolgt)

    kereta caretta
    Exhibition Stand


    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you so much yuppi :) alkis :) dance :) halayy :)
    I wonder there are seasons in our subjects
    How can we answer "June, July, August are in summer"?

    Die Sommerzeit ist Juni, Juli und August (summer season is June, July and August) or die Sommerzeit beinhaltet Juni, Juli und August. (summer season includes June, July and August) can be said in two sentences. BEİNHALTEN: to include, to include. but it could be in the first sentence.

    You can even say a sentence like this.
    Der Sommer ist meine Lieblingsjahreszeit (summer is my favorite season.)

    netalman by
    Exhibition Stand

    das Wetter ist in Berlin regnet (rainy weather in Berlin)

    instead (because wrong)

    Es regnet in Berlin. It should be said.

    Regards and greetings…

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    das Wetter ist in Berlin regnet (rainy weather in Berlin)

    instead (because wrong)

    Es regnet in Berlin. It should be said.

    Regards and greetings…

    you are right right. I typed wrong. :)  thank you. I wonder if the other sentences are correct?

    Exhibition Stand

    das Wetter ist in Berlin regnet (rainy weather in Berlin)

    instead (because wrong)

    Es regnet in Berlin. It should be said.

    Regards and greetings…

    –> The sentence becomes correct with a small correction. There is no need to construct the sentence from scratch.

    Das Wetter ist in Berlin regneric.

    lukeskywalk is
    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you so much yuppi :) alkis :) dance :) halayy :)
    I wonder there are seasons in our subjects
    How can we answer "June, July, August are in summer"?

    Juni, Juli, August ist im Sommer Jahreszeit.

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    I saw my mistake when I examined it now  :)    the correct one is supposed to be das Wetter ist in Berlin regnerisch (adjective) or es regnet in Berlin.

    Exhibition Stand

    I saw my mistake when I examined it now  :)    the correct one is supposed to be das Wetter ist in Berlin regnerisch (adjective) or es regnet in Berlin.

    It would still be better if you use the colloquial es regnet in Berlin – “my humble advice, if you accept!”
    Just like in my sentence above, there is no mistake in the written language, but there is not much in the number of citizens who use it, I don't know, could I explain?

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    Yes you are right.
    Also, the place where I live speaks Saarlandisch, and I cannot understand the people's language here at all. It's like a language that has nothing to do with German. ??? They are talking loud and clear. I make the women where I work repeat what they say 2-3 times. I think women are getting fed up with me now.  :)

    tugce_doerj is
    Exhibition Stand

    I have the same problem here too. The guys have invented a new language for themselves.vogtlandisch ^^

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