Germany Visa has arrived, short periods

    Exhibition Stand

    Yes, friends, I think I am one of the most waiting people among you. I applied in Ankara on 04.10.2013. 14.03.2014 so today I received a visa. I had a military service problem, I opened a lot of topics, now I called the military branch, I can't do anything from here, go to me, if there is a problem on the way, a paper is signed for me to go to a Turkish consulate there in 15 days. I cut tickets for Tuesday. I will follow this site and try to help new friends.

    Exhibition Stand

    good luck :) :) Have a safe journey from now on, applause:) applause:) applause:) applause:)
    True, I called the airport, if we check in during office hours, only one paper is signed. They take the soldier to the officer in working hours and have them signed. It's ok to check out later dance :) dance :)
    Well bro, why did your visa take so long? When I followed in the interval, he delivered the papers of inspiration to the foreigners office. after that i got my fuck off ??

    Exhibition Stand

    eyw tşkler darısı to your press, I brought my wife to Turkey for about 2 months. I stayed here for about 3 months and my file would be captured. I sent my wife again. This time they asked for a business paper every month and I waited for XNUMX months. If the problem is here, I should have gone in January

    Exhibition Stand

    Hello friends, I applied to family reunification in Ankara on 18.03.2014, my wife called the foreigners police today and they said that the documents must be processed at the consulate first. Does anyone among you know what is going on in the consulate and how long it takes?

    the serkant
    Exhibition Stand

    It takes 2 or 4 weeks on average. Then, if needed, they ask for a document from his wife.

    Hello friends, I applied to family reunification in Ankara on 18.03.2014, my wife called the foreigners police today and they said that the documents must be processed at the consulate first. Does anyone among you know what is going on in the consulate and how long it takes?

    Exhibition Stand

    Good luck, first of all, of course, we all went through this process like that, I waited 6 months for the visa, that's a separate conversation, but the real thing starts here, things are going to be strong, I was saying until it comes, the rest is not easy at all, the biggest problem is that you are unemployed, this is a very different world, May God bless you.

    Exhibition Stand

    It takes 2 or 4 weeks on average. Then, if needed, they ask for a document from his wife.

    Serkantan, from which consulate did you apply and in which city in Germany the documents will be processed?

    the serkant
    Exhibition Stand

    I applied from Ankara .. A place called Ismaning .. near Munich

    Serkantan, from which consulate did you apply and in which city in Germany the documents will be processed?

    Exhibition Stand

    I applied from Ankara .. A place called Ismaning .. near Munich

    My wife called the foreigners police today and the next week the documents of your husband will arrive and at the beginning of April, if you call again, we will notify you if a document is requested, they said whatever I need, I am ready now, but they said the required documents that change from person to person. My wife is a German citizen and said that you do not have to worry too much because you are taking my wife .. Let's see what will happen, I hope my documents go and the approval comes.

    breakxnumxlov to
    Exhibition Stand

    Anyone applying from Istanbul to Turkey

    Exhibition Stand

    Guys, I have a question. I wonder if the foreigners police want a marriage certificate originally from Germany? And are there any other documents I need to send?

    the serkant
    Exhibition Stand

    They don't want the Marriage Certificate .. You don't need to send it in any document.

    Friends, I have a question. I wonder if the foreigners police originally wanted a marriage certificate from the esten in Germany? And are there any other documents I need to send?

    Exhibition Stand

    Friends, the consulate called today and said that my visa was approved and I would have my passport in 3 or 4 days. My visa application date is 18.03... It took less than 1 month. Officially :)

    the serkant
    Exhibition Stand

    Did the consulate call? Did you call the consulate? I guess they just annoyed me. I've been waiting since January 24th. I applied from Ankara. still no answer. I hope you will receive your passport with the visa in it as soon as possible. I would be happy if you could inform us.

    Friends, the consulate called today and said that my visa was approved and I would have my passport in 3 or 4 days. My visa application date is 18.03... It took less than 1 month. Officially :)

    Exhibition Stand

    Did the consulate call .. did you call the consulate? I guess they just annoyed me .. I've been waiting since January 24th. I made an application from Ankara. still no answer. I hope you will get the passport with the visa as soon as possible .. If you inform us, I will be glad.

    I think the consulate called to test my German because I took a course in Vienna 2 years ago and lived there for 2 years. I took my B2 document, which I received there, to the visa interview. Today, a German lady called from the consulate. We spoke completely in German. She asked me how long I stayed in Vienna for my course. Since I do not have an A1 document, it is one of the required courses, so am I German? I think you want to measure it... Your visa has been approved and I will send you your passport right now. I asked how long it will take for it to arrive. He said it will be in your hand in 3 or 4 days. Let's see... I will keep you informed of the developments.

    the bat_
    Exhibition Stand

    How slow is this Ankara working friend .. We expect at least 3 weeks for all kinds of things huh

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