Lesson 9: Nouns in German

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    In the previous lessons, we gave some preliminary information on subjects that do not require much grammatical information and based on memorization skills, and we have studied some subjects in detail.
    In this lesson, we will enter a topic that needs to be paid much attention, memorizing some parts and should not be forgotten. In this lesson we will give short information about names and artikeller, and we will examine names in detail in the next section.

    Briefly speaking, the words we call assets are called names. Computer, school, room, house table, dream, Ahmet, book etc. Words are names.
    As in Turkish, the singular-plural, abstract-concrete,
    simple-compound, special-gen.
    Similarly, in German, as in our language, nouns can be used in different tasks in a sentence, and can be used in singular-plural forms.
    or in the case of their identity (-e state, -i state, etc.).
    It is estimated that there are approximately 200.000-250.000 names in German. In German, the initials of the names are written using capital letters, without distinction between proper names or genus names.
    In other words, the initial letters of all nouns should be written in capital letters. However, in German, in front of all common nouns, we call Artikel (der – das – die).
    (Artikeller will be examined in the next sections.)
    There are 3 types of nouns in German, each name belongs to one of these three groups.
    These ;

    1-) Male Names (Eryl Type)
    2-) Female Names (Female Type)
    3-) Sexless Names (Neutral Type)

    In German, the article of masculine words is generally "der".
    The article for female gender is "die" and the genderless article is "das". However, this information is given as a generalization. There are some exceptions.
    For this reason, it is very useful when you are learning new vocabulary, but it is very useful to be careful to learn with the article. (The article will be examined in detail in the next section.)
    In German, it is possible to make a generalization such as "such words are masculine, such words are feminine, and such words are neuter."
    Below is a classification of male, female and neutral words
    As some of the items in this classification are definite, some of them have a few minor exceptions.

    1-) Sexual Names with Male:
    The name of the day, month, season, names, directions and winds we have studied before, all the creatures with male sex, the vast majority of currencies, the vast majority of mine names and names ending with -en, -ich, -ig, -ast.

    2-) Names with female pronunciations:
    The female names, the names of the rivers, the rivers, the names of all the numbers, the fruits, the trees, the flowers, and the vast majority of names ending with -in, -e, -ei, -ung, -heit, -ion, -keit are female Cinstir.

    3-) Names without Gender:
    The vast majority of country and city names, common names for both female and male creatures, and the pups of the creatures, metal names and all the names that derive from the verb or the noun are Genderless.

    Above we have made a generalization for information. We think it is much more useful to look at the words of the learnings (even if you enter any group above) even though we think that this classification will be useful for you.
    In the next section you will be given information about the artisans and their usage patterns. Since this is a very important issue, we recommend that you follow it carefully, we wish you success.

    Life is the first means of winning eternity and happiness is the key to eternity
    Exhibition Stand

    Let's say they are
    der gbranch
    male name?
    and the female name according to the words in the others

    I think I mixed it up a bit??? :-

    Exhibition Stand

    otherwise only
    day, month, season names, directions and wind names, all creatures whose sex is male, the final words of the words of the currencies, the words ending with -ich, -ig, -ast male name

    Exhibition Stand

    Exceptions are confusing to the bole bole bi is the easiest way to discriminate but you are the best of sasirta knows the names you know with the articles of the automobile, for example, if you think about it, you can just memorize it immediately afterwards

    Exhibition Stand

    I understand that you are right in the last issues such diodes already
    it was no longer necessary to take the bi dictionary
    then you can learn how to learn the words first with the artists and then to the grammar
    is it correct ?

    Exhibition Stand

    I do not think grammar is the first thing to coz then memorize the word after it is simple to cum and then it is difficult to compose my friend do not need to get the dictionary everyday there is a word in the online dictionary that I give a word to you with the words you can see from there you have more prasitonen aybara has more grammatically, make believe me very simple first push I have been forced

    Exhibition Stand

    I get started right now ;) again danke

    txnumxnxnumx is
    Exhibition Stand

    danke shön ;)

    Exhibition Stand

    Does any article come to action?

    a_loh to
    Exhibition Stand

    Does any article come to action?

    No, I don't think verbs are used anymore, for example; sehen (to see-look) kommen (to come) wissen (to know) Like ich sehe, ich komme, ich weiss… Please forgive my humble answer. Best regards..

    Exhibition Stand

    Your actions do not come from the article, do not come from the satin, act from time to time, gore get themselves, for example kommen = I come from now time gekommen = I have come past the time verb self is attracting the most important rule is not necessary now ich te komme du da kommst er de kommt

    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you =)

    Exhibition Stand

    Danke schön. :) Es ist scher aber sehr schön ……………… :)

    Exhibition Stand

    I'm sorry I wrote wrong. Es ist schwer aber sehr schön olucak

    Exhibition Stand

    I did not write the same thing?

    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you for the information….I have not been able to solve the issue yet…I have recorded this issue in my notebook for now. :D
    I think I have better moments in the future :)

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