A1 letter samples for german family integration examination

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    kholp to receive $
    Exhibition Stand

    Schreiben Sie an die Touristeninformation in Dresden:
    -Sie kommen im August nach Dresden.
    -Bitten Sie um Informationen über Film, Theater, Museen usw.
    -Bitten Sie um Hotel Adressen.

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    Ich will im August nach Dresden kommen.
    Können Sie mir Helfen?
    Können Sie bitte die Hoteladressen geben?
    Gibt es dort Museen?
    Welche Filme gibt es im August?
    Vielen Dank im Varaus.
    Myth Freundlichen Grüßen.

    I would recommend you to look at them in the letters that come from our friends in the subject.

    kholp to receive $
    Exhibition Stand

    Hello friends
    If you have friends who follow you in writing e-mails in german, let me help you.Everyone win, now you can add this exam to my MSN address from your profile or I can help you from here.

    My teacher Kayahan wants you to choose the subject of the letter, friends.

    Exhibition Stand

    Hello friend, I liked this site very much, I hope the mission he called will come true, now I have a suggestion, I think we will benefit greatly if we have mutual conversations in German online, please take the necessary steps for this, I need it very much, thank you for German. 

    Exhibition Stand

    suzan hello I can only enter during these hours. Sorry, guys, I continue very intensely, but I want to share with you as much as I can. Let's give a subject first. :)
          Sie haben letzte Woche einen Termin mit ihrem Freund gemacht.Sie ​​sind in einer anderen Stadt und mussen am Wochenende four arbeiten.Also Sie können am Samstag zum Termin nicht kommen.Schreiben Sie eine E-mail zu ihrem Freund:
      -Das Sie arbeiten müssen
    -zusammen ins Cafe gehen
    – mit einer entschuldigunug problem erklaren
    – Termin machen(montagabend)
        I hope we will write a lot from now on, good luck to everyone here…..

    kholp to receive $
    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you teacher, I hope it will help my friends, here you go, this is the subject, you can write your letters accordingly, do not hesitate in case there are mistakes, my teacher Kayahan will correct the mistakes.

    Exhibition Stand

    Lieber,mathias du wirdst denn,wir haben letzte woche einen termin.ich muss letzte Woche für meine Firma nach Berlin fahren.Es tut mir sehr leid.entschuldigung!ich kann nicht letzte Woche kommen.wir können am Montagabend ins cafe gehen?ok? ist das gut idea? Bitte rufe mich an!ich warte auf dich! bis bald….tschüss! Herzliche Grüsse… Mehmet ÖZBEK            

    Exhibition Stand

    Kayahan 32, my teacher, I tried to write something.hı, your students speak very well of you.I think you did your job well.I can tell you about my own teacher with peace of mind, he is also excellent in his job, he shares the same excitement with us, he is experiencing the same stress with us.While starting this job, first for myself, then for my wife Then I started with the password of solving those troubles that I will live in Germany. But now I have started to feel such a responsibility that if I cannot win, I am sorry that I have disappointed and disappointed not myself and my husband, but my teacher first. He cares so much and devotes time to us. it's that good to me.you german teachers are always this good :) always stay like this :)

    Exhibition Stand

    There are line slippages in the letter I wrote, due to my unfamiliarity with the PC:( This letter is about the subject written by Kayahan32 teacher….

    the blue sea
    Exhibition Stand

    greetings to everyone…
    I took the exam on the 16th and wanted to share the letter there with you….

    ''sie möchten ihrer freunden am wochenende deutsch lernen…..
      _wann haben sie zeit?
      _wo können sie treffen?
      _was möchten sie spater am abend zusammen machen?

    exactly this
    But unfortunately I understood this and knew what to write, but I couldn't write out of excitement :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(::(:
    I hope good luck

    the blue sea
    Exhibition Stand

    liebe nina,

    Ja, ich möchte mit dich zusammen deutsch lernen. ich habe am wochenende zeit.
    Du kannst am wochenende kommen. Wir können uns bei dir oder bei mir treffen.
    wir können spater uns am abend zusammen ins kino gehen.
    ich warte sofort antworten
    können sie bitte mir e-mail from you

    Many greetings

    Exhibition Stand

    bartender bro, you wrote beautifully, but your sentences are mixed up, if you pay more attention, you will make better sentences, I hope your efforts will not be wasted, everyone will win I am writing e-mail cvb now
      Dear Petra,
        İch möchte mich für den Termin am Samstag entschuldigen.İch muss am Wochenende arbeiten.Deswegen kann ich nicht kommen.Am Montagabend können wir uns in Cafe treffen.İch hoffe das du am Montagabend zeit hast.Bis bald
        Your Sandra
    respect to all

    Exhibition Stand

    danke fur deine einladung ;) …… I miss writing letters so much, I love this saying and I will never forget it. Friends :laugh: Don't be scared by the letter, sir, it will be solved here, good luck.

    Exhibition Stand

    Friends, when I looked at the forum, some of them do not even know how to write about the e-mail and the letter. I would like to write letter ogneks, I have a lot of time to come at these times, because nowadays I am in the rush mein mann kommt aus deutschland I am very excited and happy. 

    Hope is the first step in life. Do not give up on that first step or on life itself.

    Exhibition Stand

    If you have time for these e-mail issues, can you collect all the articles for me and have a chance to review them, then we can produce separate topics related to them and we will benefit the friends here.

    Exhibition Stand

    If you have time for these e-mail issues, can you collect all the articles for me and have a chance to review them, then we can produce separate topics related to them and we will benefit the friends here.

    hallo teacher
    At the moment, I have almost all the e-mail topics we have processed. If I have time, why not, I would love to help. I have already told my friends, I will start writing tomorrow, if there is no problem, let us contribute to the soup... Greetings.

    Exhibition Stand

    Friends, there are ten (10) types of exams, which are very similar to the A1 exam, so you can practice with them. to get these a1_test@live.nl You sent an e-mail to This is my e-mail address and I will send you these tests. These tests are in PDF format. It contains schreiben and lesen. Of course there is no hóren sprechen. So there are very few sprechen. Of course, there are answers to these tests. Good luck to everyone! a1_test@live.nl Just write your test request and send it, I will send you the tests on the same day. It may be of great use to you. There is also a different version of the sample exam in Goethe, but they do not have answers. And there are also 7 more tests that are complicated. SO THERE ARE 17 KINDS OF TESTS AND ANOTHER SAMPLE EXAM!!! a1_test@live.nl
              Please note, although no boardcode and smiley buttons are shown, they are still useable

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