German Learning Levels

    Exhibition Stand


    Distinguished German learners and learners:
    Although the steps of learning German vary more or less from book to book, Grammar generally follows the steps below. If you attempt to learn a language without following the order, they will all get mixed up and it may become incomprehensible. Here, there is a progression from easy to difficult. Focusing only on grammar is not a good method when learning German. Grammar should only cover 20 – 25% of what is learned. In order to be able to recognize and reinforce how the learned grammar topics are used in texts and dialogues, reading passages and listening texts appropriate to the level should be provided. You should never move on to another subject before learning a subject thoroughly. When I was starting to learn German, I wrote "Why German?" in the German Knowledge Base section. and "While Learning a Foreign Language…" in the Active Learning Section. It is useful to read the texts titled "Time, Patience, Work". Good luck.

    Here are the learning topics:

    Lektion -1 Ich und die anderen (Me and Others) Introducing yourself with a few short sentences
    Contact / Relationship Greeting someone, establishing a dialogue
    Jemanden begrüßen (to greet one)
    Sich vorstellen (Introducing Yourself)
    Sich verabschi (Saying Goodbye) In this unit, pattern sentences are usually learned.
    Grammatics: Being able to use Verb 1st and 2nd Person Singular Subjects “I” and “You”
    Aussagesatz (Expression sentence) Understanding German Sentence Structure (Subject + Verb + Object)
    Ja - Nein - Frage (Yes - No Question) Being able to form and answer the question sentence where the verb comes to the beginning
    Negation: Making negative sentences using the words “Nicht” and “kein”

    Lektion - 2 Wir und die anderen (Us and Others)
    Wer ist das? (Who is this?) Be able to introduce others and give brief information about him
    Zahlen bis 20 (to count and write to 20)

    Grammatic: Verb 1. , 2. und 3. Person Singular (1., 2., 3, able to use singular person entities)
    Ja/Nein/Doch (Yes-No-Yes (“Doch” is a phrase we use when we answer a negative question in the affirmative.)

    Lektion - 3 Familie (Family)
    Ich und meine Familie (Me and my family) To be able to give information about himself and his family
    Das deutsche ABC (German Alphabet) Be able to learn the alphabet and the pronunciation of letters

    Grammatik: bestimmter und unbestimmter Article (Definite and indefinite Article) ein / eine
    Possessivartikel (Possessive pronouns: my / your) mein / dein
    Fortune 20 (to learn the numbers up to twenty)
    Uhrzeiten (Hours)

    Lektion - 4 Schule (School) (This unit is mostly for those who go to school.)
    Die Unterrichtsfächer (Lessons)
    Stundenplan (Syllabus)
    Schulen in Deutschland (Schools in Germany)
    Notensystem in Deutschland (Grading System in Germany) In Germany, grades are the opposite of ours. 1 = Well, 2 = well
    Wie ist…? Adjective (…. How is it?) Learning and using some adjectives

    Grammatics: Verb – Conjugation Singular/Plural
    Das Modalverb: MAGGEN (to understand the use of modal verb) ich mag: I love / I enjoy

    Lektion - 5 Die Schulsachen (School items / supplies) (This section aims to improve vocabulary)
    Räume in der Schule (departments of the school)
    Personen in der Schule (People at school)

    Grammatik: Possessiv-, und
    Negativartikel (Learning the Articles of Possessive and Negativity) mein Lehrer / meine Mami / kein Lehrer / keine Mami
    Nomen im Plural (Learning to make plural in Almancé)
    Verben mit Akkusativ

    Lektion - 6 Meine Freunde (My Friends)
    Miteinander reden (Talking to each other)
    Miteinander leben (Living together)
    Wer macht was? (Who is doing what?)
    Wer mag was? (Who likes what?) This unit aims to improve vocabulary about the circle of friends.

    Grammatic: Verben mit Vokalwechsel (Some of the verbs have a singular voice change during 2 and 3 subtitles, which is intended to be understood here) ich sehe / du siehst / er sieht
    Modalverben: möchten (Modal verb “to grasp möchten)
    Satzklammer (to understand the structure of the sentences in which modal verbs are used)
    Imperativ (to learn the command of Almancadia)
    Höflichkeitsform - Sie (Respectful address: You)
    Akkusativ (Personalpronomen) (-i personal pronouns)

    Lektion - 7 (In this unit, vocabulary about young people is learned)
    Junge Leute (Young people)
    Wie leben die Jungen? (How do young people live / live?)
    Interessen (Interests)

    Grammatik: Fragepronomen - Wer? / Wen? / Was? (Interrogative pronouns: who? / Who? / What? / What?)
    Das Modalverb - können (to learn the modal verb can / can)
    Verben mit dem Dativ (to be able to learn the necessary acts)
    Personalpronomen im Dativ (to understand the personal pronouns)

    Lektion - 8 Alltag und Freizeit (Daily life and leisure)
    Was machst du heute? (What are you doing today?) To be able to tell about leisure activities
    Hobbys (Hobiler)
    Berufe (Professions)

    Grammatic: Das Modalverb: müssen (modal verily conception) müssen = must be
    Trennbare Verben (To be able to learn the separable prefixes)
    Zeitangaben (Time markers)
    Temporale Präpositionen (prepositions of time)

    Lektion - 9 Guten Appetit (Bon Appetit) To improve vocabulary related to eating and drinking
    Das essen wir (We eat these)
    Das trinken wir (We drink these)

    Präteritum von „haben“ und „sein“ (learning the past tense form of the auxiliary verbs haben and sein)
    Farben (Colors)

    Lektion - 10 Reisen / Ferien (Travel / Vacation)
    Woh fahren wir? (Where are we going?)
    Deutschsprachige Länder (German-speaking countries) (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
    Tourismus (Tourism)

    Grammatic: Präpositionen (Prepositions)
    Pronomen - man (learn the uncertain subject of man)
    Einige Verben mit festen Präpositionen (To learn some important verbs used in prepositions) (like sprechen mit)

    Lektion - 11 Der Körper (Human body)
    Was tut weh? (How does it hurt?)
    Wie bleibt man gesund? (How to be healthy?)

    Grammatik: Fragepronomen – Welche? (Learning the interrogative pronoun “Which?”)
    Steigerung des Adjektivs (learn to rate adjectives)
    Modalverb: müssen

    Lektion - 12 Sport (Improving sports vocabulary)
    Sportarten (Types of sports)
    Wie findest du…? (Asking and answering opinions about sports)
    Meinungen sagen (to express my thoughts)

    Grammatik: Possessivpronomen (alle Formen) (Possessive pronouns-All)
    Das Modalverb: dürfen (to be allowed to understand modal verb)
    Nebensatz mit „weil“ (making clause with “weil”) Giving reasons

    Lektion - 13 Mein Alltag zu Hause (Daily work at home)
    Was hast du gestern gemacht? (What did you do yesterday)

    Grammatik: Perfekt (Schwache Verben) (past tense with -di / regular, weak verbs)
                         Perfekt (Starke Verben) (unstructured, strong verbs)

    Lektion - 14 Unser Haus (Our House)
    Wohnen (Residence, residence)
    Mein Zimmer (Odam)
    Traumhaus (Dream house, telling the dream house)

    Grammatik: Präpositionen mit Dativ (prepositions requiring - state)
    Verben mit dem Dativ und Akkusativ (-e and -i)
    Modalverben: sollen / wollen (to learn modal verbs to be needed and wanted)

    Lektion - 15 Fernsehen (Television)
    Was gibt es im Fernsehen heute? What is on TV today?
    Fernsehprogramm (Television program)

    Grammatic: Reflexive Verben (Reflexive Verben)
    Verben mit Präpositionen (verbs used in prepositions)
    Nebensatz mit „dass“ (clause with dass- conjunction)

    Lektion - 16 Die Kleidung (Learning words about dresses)

    Grammatik: Adjektive im Nominativ, Akkusativ und Dativ (Learning the adjective conjugation)
    Mit dem bestimmten Artikel (Specific Artikelle)
    Konjunktiv-11 (Istence mode)

    Lektion - 17 Reisen (Travel)
    Eine Reise machen (Traveling)
    Unterwegs (On the Road)

    Grammatik: Adjektivdeklination mit unbestimmtem Artikel (Indefinite Artikelle adjective)
    Nebensatz mit „um … zu/damit“ (Learning the purpose clause)
    Präteritum (Learning the Story of the Past)
    Genitiv (of state)

    Lektion - 18 Essen / Trinken (Eating / Drinking)
    Geburtstag feiern (Birthday celebration)
    Lebensmittel und Getränke (Food and drinks)

    Relativsatz - Relativpronomen (Learning Relativ sentence)
    Konjunktiv-1 (Learning Knjunktiv-1 / indirect Expression)

    (The units may be skipped depending on the request, but the grammar instruction sequence should not be omitted.)


    Exhibition Stand

    If your goal is not to be a translator, you should not translate everything into Turkish. ;) This makes it difficult for you to switch to speaking German. Practice lots of modalverbs, over time you'll find it easy, and you won't need to translate. Greetings, good luck.

    Exhibition Stand

    Hello teacher Mikail, how are you? I have been wanting to get information about (ob…) on the site for two days, but I couldn't find it. Can you help me? I don't know when (ob…) to use (dass…). Actually (dass..) I seem to understand it, but (ob…) still I don't understand. good day

    Exhibition Stand

      Thank you, Dear Memoli63! The “ob” topic is available in the Knowledge Base under the name “Indirect Frage”.

    Exhibition Stand

    my husband, really a very nice plan, every topic I had was soup, now I will start from scratch so I can work systematically. (CONFIRM)

    Exhibition Stand

    ;D Easy, Dear Tusem, I wish you success.

    Exhibition Stand

    I will live in germany, I will live in germany too, but there is not even a single knowledge. How can I learn? I have become a new member of foreign language. I have recommended a friend but even the topic titles have scared me. I can not smile friends laughs. i do not know (i forgot what i asked)

    Exhibition Stand

      Dear Reyyan; First of all, you must definitely decide to learn and condition yourself to say, "I will succeed in this job." There is nothing to be afraid of. The important thing is that you attend classes consistently. Why not, if you work regularly within the framework of this program, little by little every day. However, before you start learning, carefully read the text I wrote, "When Learning a Foreign Language...", in the "Active Learning …….." section of our website. Try to work as stated there. You will succeed. Anyone who knows one language can definitely learn other languages. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Let those friends laugh at you, it doesn't matter. You embarrass them by working hard.  ;D
    Love, it succeeds.

    Exhibition Stand

    This site has this advantage, but it can be up to one time with the information on the various forum sites, but we are able to find solutions to the problems of the people who are in our source.
    Your health is your health.

    Exhibition Stand

    This site has this advantage, but it can be up to one time with the information on the various forum sites, but we are able to find solutions to the problems of the people who are in our source.
    Your health is your health.

    EST. You guys are super, dear Vervaroz. Thank you very much. Successes, love.

    the olguntuz
    Exhibition Stand

    Nice sharing sir, thank you...

    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you so much.

    the olguntuz
    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you, it is a very nice sharing…

    Exhibition Stand


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