> Forums > Sharing about German A1 Exam, A2, B1, German KPDS, KPSS and other German exams > 1 LETTER SAMPLES FROM THE B18 EXAM AND MY SHARES WITH SPRECHEN……

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    Hello…. I took German courses at Volkshochschule. I took the B1 exam and passed it with a successful grade. I would like to share all the information and letters I have here that you can benefit from. These letter samples are samples of letters given by the teachers at Volkshochschule.

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand


    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand


    Sie sind beide am folgenden Wochenende zu der Hochzeitsfeier eingeladen. Die Hochzeit finden in Neuburg statt, das etwa 100 km von Ihnen entfernt liegt. Sie waren noch nie in Neuburg und kennen sich nicht aus.

    AUFGABE: Planen Sie gemeinsam, was Sie tun möchten. Hier sind einige Notizan:


    (zB….mit was fahren wir? )


    (zB….woher kaufen wir ein Stadtplan?)


    (zB….was für ein Geschenk?)


    (zB….was ziehst du an? oder ich?)


    (zB……wo und wann treffen wir uns? )

    Example: 1- About how and what we will go to the wedding with…

    2- We need a city map, because we do not know Neuburg. Where do you get the city map (eg die schreibwaren ..), we are talking about whether there is a stationery here.

    3- What kind of gift can we buy, (e.g. a watch, a gold bracelet, etc.)

    4- We are talking about what to wear for the wedding.

    5- talk about where and how we meet (eg in front of the station, in front of the cinema, in the café, etc.)


    another topic: your friend is moving house and you will be helping with a friend. Conversations between you and your friend:
    -need a vehicle for moving. where to find the tool. (I said this in the exam. MEİNMANN HAT EİNEN LKW) My wife has the first kw so I said we don't need to search for a car.  :)
    – where we will meet. (wo und wann treffen wir uns?)…. We can ask...
    - we need a card to move. there was a conversation about where we could find it (this carton was in the content of the subject and we had to say it).
    They give a topic in the conversation and you have to say 3-4 words about it, e.g. your card, moving, meeting, LKW...
    So you can say something like this in your mind. The important thing is not to be silent there. they do not really look at grammaticals if I have to say it clearly. but your tense will lose points if you never talk. so I always recommend you to talk to me.

    They also give you a picture paper. they tell you what you see here.
    The picture paper that comes to me: a doctor, a child, a doctor is examining the child.
    -Why did you ask me where? I said this is a hospital or an examination (das ist ein Krankenhaus oder ein Praxis).
    How long should people be examined? they asked .. :) I replied 2 times a year.
    so friends tried to explain everything in the picture. I even told the white form on the doctor. just to talk :).
    -It was a friend of mine: a pharmacy. A woman is talking to a pharmacist and taking medication. you are telling this.

    In my course, the subject of the test for the preparation of the B1 exam: two small children are running. a child has a ball in his hand. question asked: where are the kids running ?. Where is the ball? (Answer: the ball is in the hands of the child. DAS KIND HÄLT DEN BALL HEN DEN)

    The topic that came up in another trial exam: a woman is typing something on the computer. There is a table. There are pencils, flowers, etc. items on the table. Question: What is the woman doing?….What do you see in the picture?
    You can say AUF DEM BİLD SEHE İCH EİNE FRAU UND EİNEN COMPUTER (I see a woman and a computer in the picture)… you describe everything you see. These subjects have appeared in previous exams.

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand


    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    Most of the letter samples I did in the course. I have a b1 exam on friday. It seems difficult for me to pass. What grades did you get from the exam? I attended the course late and if we count the days I did not attend the course, I took a course for 3 months. I hope I will pass, I will continue to b2 immediately

    my friend, the letters that come out already look more or less similar to the letters we made in the course. I have already shared the examples I saw in the course and the sample letter that came out to me in the exam.

    Exhibition Stand

    hello reyya very tskkürler for sharing information, I have a b2 exam after 1 weeks. I'm very scared I'm very excited. I think the letter samples are generally the same. Also, I would like to ask you something. You can write the sentences you can think of as a template. Please, I need your urgent help for the speech part. :(

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand

    hello yasmin very tskkürler for sharing information, I have a b2 exam after 1 weeks. I am very afraid I am very excited. Also, I would like to ask you something. You can write the sentences that you can think of as a template. Please, I need your urgent help for the speech part. :(

    Don't get excited, you forget what you can. If you cannot give it, they will train you in the course for three more months, then you will definitely win. Because they have tests for the exam for three months.
    but still I hope you win B1 the first time you enter. I wish success to you.

    Exhibition Stand

    I do not understand fear in these exams. Fear of exams, knowing that if you are afraid you are likely to get worse results. German is a difficult language but not a language that cannot be learned. b1 If you do not exceed 600 hours, you have another 300 hours chance. It is very important for you to be comfortable. I did not have much hope in the b1 exam either because I attended the course for 3 months but I got b1 from all of them with a good score. I'm starting b2 soon. the real difficulty starts after b1.

    reyyan to
    Exhibition Stand


    Exhibition Stand

    In general, foreigners in Germany are asked to explain themselves at least, so language education up to B1 level is supported. B2 is the certificates required for C1 University for Vocation. Most B2 courses are given together with the vocational course. Before the security training course I will go to tomorrow, 320 hours b2 course is given and then 320 hours vocational course. In general, they are very expensive, so the arbeitzamt bildungsgutschein pays the education expenses, so it is necessary to convince the educational institution and the arbeitzamt that will give a profession. As you said vsvs, the woman in the course I attended did not speak very optimistically when she told me that I had been in Germany for 6 months and took a course for 3 months, but of course I do not want to miss it

    Exhibition Stand

    Hi friends, I saw the letters or something, I got 1 at the a82 level, it was difficult because I didn't know at all or didn't get German at school, but I understand that everything seems to be very difficult as long as your forehead does not flow and does not come from within, but every other day, as long as you repeat and write what you learned, everything is very nice. God bless all of you really good and beautiful.

    elif tunc
    Exhibition Stand

    I want to ask Bisey. The letter is 80 or 100 words without writing. Why these sample letters are short.

    My paradise
    Exhibition Stand

    Hello my wife goes to the b1 course. Can you give us information about the b1 exam? How does the exam format resemble a1?
    Thanks in advance, have a nice day

    elif tunc
    Exhibition Stand

    I also continue b1. They give two letters. You write whichever one you want. As in horen lesen a1, there is normal self-introduction, they give pictures, you tell that picture and you write a plan on a paper, you have to talk to your partner about that plan.

    edueg to
    Exhibition Stand

    Hello, I will start the course in HANNOVER on September 2, I hope it will be possible to take us too b1

    Gokhan S
    Exhibition Stand

    I wonder if there are any tips for the b30 exam on August 2013, 1?

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