Lesson 14: Prateritum (Past Tense with D) – 2 Irregular Verbs

> Forums > German Times and Conventions > Lesson 14: Prateritum (Past Tense with D) – 2 Irregular Verbs

    Exhibition Stand

    This derste will continue from where we were on Prateritum.
    We have previously written that the words Präteritum and Imperfekt mean the same thing, and Präteritum denotes the past tense with -di.
    Präteritum meets the past in every sense, except for the past tense.
    It is often used in tales, novels or stories.
    We used the regular expression and added the regular expressions to the previous one.
    now let's see the additions to the irregular verbs and continue with examples.

    Below is a list of jewels added to irregular verbs for Prateritum.
    These jokes are added to the root, not to the infinitive of the verb. The root is 2. stammform.
    For example, for the ich pronoun No Jewelry, 2. StamformForm is used as it is.
    The root inserts an -e letter between the verb t on the letter d and the suffix.


    now see these irregular acts according to all persons, their pictures and their meanings in a picture:
    (We offer our thanks to Mikail Akgümüş Hocamız who helped us in preparing the tablet.)

    Due to the limited space of the forum area you want to see the following table on a more comfortable and separate page click here.


    In our previous lessons, we learned how to build the cues.
    Now let's give some sample sentences about Präteritum:

    Du fandest ein Ball (Found a ball)

    Fandest du ein Ball? (Did you find a ball?)

    Ja, ich fand ein Ball (Yes, I found a ball)

    Wir fanden ein Ball (We found a ball)

    Ich verkaufte gestern mein Auto (I sold my car yesterday)

    Wir gingen gestern ins Kino (We went to the cinema yesterday)

    Ich ging gestern ins Kino (I went to the cinema yesterday)

    Ich vergass seinen Namen (I forgot his name)

    Duplicate your own examples.
    In the next section we will examine Perfekt.

    Thank goodness there is no trouble. On the contrary, it increases the taste of blessing. (Mesnevi)

    Exhibition Stand

    ceremonies emegine health

    the karakartalal
    Exhibition Stand

    danke schön, guten tag

    I derinsuire
    Exhibition Stand

    how are they memorized. I have to work hard mother cooook

    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you

    to burcucak
    Exhibition Stand

    This derste will continue from where we were on Prateritum.
    We have previously written that the words Präteritum and Imperfekt mean the same thing, and Präteritum denotes the past tense with -di.
    Präteritum meets the past in every sense, except for the past tense.
    It is often used in tales, novels or stories.
    We used the regular expression and added the regular expressions to the previous one.
    now let's see the additions to the irregular verbs and continue with examples.

    Below is a list of jewels added to irregular verbs for Prateritum.
    These jokes are added to the root, not to the infinitive of the verb. The root is 2. stammform.
    For example, for the ich pronoun No Jewelry, 2. StamformForm is used as it is.
    The root inserts an -e letter between the verb t on the letter d and the suffix.


    now see these irregular acts according to all persons, their pictures and their meanings in a picture:
    (We offer our thanks to Mikail Akgümüş Hocamız who helped us in preparing the tablet.)

    Due to the limited space of the forum area you want to see the following table on a more comfortable and separate page click here.


    In our previous lessons, we learned how to build the cues.
    Now let's give some sample sentences about Präteritum:

    Du fandest ein Ball (Found a ball)

    Fandest du ein Ball? (Did you find a ball?)

    Ja, ich fand ein Ball (Yes, I found a ball)

    Wir fanden ein Ball (We found a ball)

    Ich verkaufte gestern mein Auto (I sold my car yesterday)

    Wir gingen gestern ins Kino (We went to the cinema yesterday)

    Ich ging gestern ins Kino (I went to the cinema yesterday)

    Ich vergass seinen Namen (I forgot his name)

    Duplicate your own examples.
    In the next section we will examine Perfekt.

    Exhibition Stand

    alles gut aber wer lernt obene auswendig.

    alle gemischt

    Exhibition Stand

    How do you make these inflections? I'm studying preparatory German, most of them are different... lesen = reading ich lese, du liest etc. We learned that können = to know etc ich kann du kannst sie können… durfen: ich darf, du darfst, kommen; ich komme, du kommst etc dieoluo it has nothing to do with yours, I don't understand why?

    Exhibition Stand

    eadle i understand you

    every Anfängerin basina comes with such things.

    do not hurry bee a day

    :D  :)

    Exhibition Stand

    How do you make these inflections? I'm studying preparatory German, most of them are different... lesen = reading ich lese, du liest etc. We learned that können = to know etc ich kann du kannst sie können… durfen: ich darf, du darfst, kommen; ich komme, du kommst etc dieoluo it has nothing to do with yours, I don't understand why?

    First of all I would like to say hello to everybody and congratulate you on this beautiful work.

    My tongue has returned and I will try to remove the question mark from my mind.
    The conjugations here are based on personal pronouns - past tense conjugations.
    As you know, there is 2 in the past. 
    1. Präteritum – That is, 1. Past tense ( 1. Vergangenheit ). – So Dili is past tense.
    2. Perfect – That is, the 2nd Past tense (2. Vergangenheit). – That is – a time well past.

    The pattern you learned is the Caliber of Präsens (ie the present time) for the present.

    Ich lese (reading and / or reading)
    Du liest (read and / or read)

    The phrases mentioned in this subject are the -di li past tense of verbs.

    These are called Unregelnmaßige Verben. So irregular verbs. It changes form according to time and personal pronoun.
    There is also Regelnmaßig Verben (Regular verbs). These change little form over time, according to the person, the first 4 or 5 letters do not change at all.

    Example: Machen (To)
    Ich mache
    Du machst
    Er / sie / es macht
    Sie machen
    Ihr macht

    As you can see here, the first four letters of the verb machen do not change.
    And these acts are Präteritum state and Perfekt state is GEMACHT.

    May I help you.

    Exhibition Stand

    thanks for your effort

    Exhibition Stand

    I have found these words in order to memorize some days and days, I have found you in advance. Thank you very much, emeginize health. :)

    the cangpog
    Exhibition Stand

    Your health has been super working. A subject I'm troubled with will be very useful.

    Exhibition Stand

    great or so good

    Exhibition Stand

    I am very grateful that this 14 section is not necessary except the facts of the actions according to the times, :D

    Exhibition Stand

    Thank you, you have been very helpful…

    Ich kaufte ein Wagen.
    Wir spielten Volleyball.
    Ich lernte.
    Ich spielte gestern Fussball.

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