Which of the Incredible Campaigns Do You Want?

> Forums > News and Announcements about Almancax Products and Services > Which of the Incredible Campaigns Do You Want?

    Exhibition Stand


    Dear readers, if you remember, we sent free German education CDs (only on the condition of covering the shipping fee) to thousands of our members in the past years.
    When the image quality of these training CDs produced by a publishing house in Istanbul was not appreciated by our members, we ended our free German education CD campaign.
    From time to time, we started working on our new campaigns and we have come to the last stages of our work.
    Before starting our campaigns, you will participate in this survey we have published to take into account our views and requests, and will increase the variety and efficiency of our products to write your message in more detail with your wishes and needs.
    All the products we offer to you under the name of the campaign will be FREE and you will only be asked to pay the shipping charge.
    Our products are completely prepared by the almancax team using the latest technology. For example, all of the course videos are prepared using the HD (High-Definition - high quality) format. The videos are shot with high-standard cameras with HD features. Our vocabulary cards are pocketable in size, do not wear out easily, are thick and of high quality. It is manufactured using cardboard. Therefore, there will never be any dissatisfaction like with the CDs distributed last year.
    Since the production and reproduction costs of our products are paid by Almancax and its sponsors and it is sent to thousands of people, it is unfortunately impossible for our site to cover the costs of transportation. Therefore, we only send our products without asking for the price, provided that only the shipping cost is met.
    Our campaigns will start shortly afterwards. The first campaign we will organize will be determined according to the results of this survey.
    Thank you for your attention.

    For Firms : Please sign in to the forum and post a private message to support or sponsor our campaigns or to advertise.

    Exhibition Stand

    Very interesting .. Very successful in such a small forum, I was really surprised by such an event and I congratulate you wholeheartedly, for your entrepreneurship.

    Exhibition Stand

    Is it small?  :)
    Almanx is Turkey's first and only (not even counting our small armchairs) and also the largest German-German forum.
    Yes, you are actually right, this small forum gave hundreds of members a free German training set consisting of 14 CDs.
    It also gave thousands of visitors (approximately 20.000 people) a free summary of the German training set consisting of 14 CDs on a single CD.
    This is a first in Turkey and a truly unbelievable and difficult to achieve olaydır.özellikl is not an organization that fliers under the internet.
    But we think, we designed, we planned, and we realized that we were successful.
    We did not settle for it, we thought of new campaigns, new products.
    And we claim, without any limitation, we will send as many as we want, as many as 20.000 requests 100.000 units will meet the full.
    Since the production of these new products is made entirely by AlMancax, we are extremely assertive in terms of quality, and we will not even have a single visitor who is not satisfied.
    We are starting to distribute very soon, follow our forum and announcements, do not miss AlMancax opportunities  ;)

    Exhibition Stand

    My forum is generally not very active, so I said it is small. I do not know about the number of the ladies. I did not say it in the sense of despair, I wanted to mention that it is very proud.

    Exhibition Stand

    Is it small?  :)
    Almanx is Turkey's first and only (not even counting our small armchairs) and also the largest German-German forum.
    Yes, you are actually right, this small forum gave hundreds of members a free German training set consisting of 14 CDs.
    It also gave thousands of visitors (approximately 20.000 people) a free summary of the German training set consisting of 14 CDs on a single CD.
    This is a first in Turkey and a truly unbelievable and difficult to achieve olaydır.özellikl is not an organization that fliers under the internet.
    But we think, we designed, we planned, and we realized that we were successful.
    We did not settle for it, we thought of new campaigns, new products.
    And we claim, without any limitation, we will send as many as we want, as many as 20.000 requests 100.000 units will meet the full.
    Since the production of these new products is made entirely by AlMancax, we are extremely assertive in terms of quality, and we will not even have a single visitor who is not satisfied.
    We are starting to distribute very soon, follow our forum and announcements, do not miss AlMancax opportunities  ;)

    I handee
    Exhibition Stand

    CDs and papers can be supporters, I am A1 but I want to improve myself.

    I Belal
    Exhibition Stand

    cd and cards would be very nice if you would be very beneficial for such a study thank you to all the almancax family friends you are good.

    Exhibition Stand


    Dear readers, if you remember, we sent free German education CDs (only on the condition of covering the shipping fee) to thousands of our members in the past years.
    When the image quality of these training CDs produced by a publishing house in Istanbul was not appreciated by our members, we ended our free German education CD campaign.
    From time to time, we started working on our new campaigns and we have come to the last stages of our work.
    Before starting our campaigns, you will participate in this survey we have published to take into account our views and requests, and will increase the variety and efficiency of our products to write your message in more detail with your wishes and needs.
    All the products we offer to you under the name of the campaign will be FREE and you will only be asked to pay the shipping charge.
    Our products are completely prepared by the almancax team using the latest technology. For example, all of the course videos are prepared using the HD (High-Definition - high quality) format. The videos are shot with high-standard cameras with HD features. Our vocabulary cards are pocketable in size, do not wear out easily, are thick and of high quality. It is manufactured using cardboard. Therefore, there will never be any dissatisfaction like with the CDs distributed last year.
    Since the production and reproduction costs of our products are paid by Almancax and its sponsors and it is sent to thousands of people, it is unfortunately impossible for our site to cover the costs of transportation. Therefore, we only send our products without asking for the price, provided that only the shipping cost is met.
    Our campaigns will start shortly afterwards. The first campaign we will organize will be determined according to the results of this survey.
    Thank you for your attention.

    For Firms : Please sign in to the forum and post a private message to support or sponsor our campaigns or to advertise.

    ofdag on
    Exhibition Stand

    I liked all of the subjects you prepared. I've found more than I've been looking for. thank you so much. I look forward to the end of your campaign.

    Exhibition Stand

    ekinginize is a useful site as a result of large and small healthy and there are no other sites on this site that can help others

    I ezgigize
    Exhibition Stand

    Education CD siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!! yes i would like to have a training CD :(

    Exhibition Stand

    evtttt I also want training CD and dance cards :)

    Exhibition Stand

    I am Adminim :D it was super :D I did not like it too :P :D😀 but what do I want in this brochure?
    I wondered :D

    Exhibition Stand

    What wonderful things you are doing...

    I think it should be an educational CD, it would be very useful if it includes words, articles and vocabulary in their plural forms. There may also be various dialogues. It is also useful for pronunciation :)

    Exhibition Stand

    I also have a training CD and I want from cards uummm bitteeee. I am new member to the site but it is very useful indeed.

    I cihant
    Exhibition Stand

    ich auh ,,, I also want a free German education CD .bitte

Displaying 15 answers - 1 to 15 (134 total)
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