german swear words

German swear words and slang words are words that are used in everyday speech and are usually used in an informal setting. These words are often used in place of more polite standard German words. German slang words may vary by region and social class.

It is against our editorial policies to encourage or share abusive or offensive language. Therefore, we will share the most used slang expressions.

In German, swear words and especially slang words and expressions are widely used in daily speech and popular culture, as in every language. Here are some examples:

  1. Krass – It means “crazy” or “incredible” in Turkish.
  2. Hot – Although it originally meant “sexually attractive,” it is often used in a positive sense, such as “great,” “very good.”
  3. Shit – An expression meaning “nonsense”, “terrible”.
  4. Alter! – “Old!” in Turkish It means something like “man!”, “dude!” It is used as a form of address such as.
  5. aces – Used for “asocial”, “bad manners” people.
  6. Scheiße – A word used for negative situations such as “crap” or “nonsense”.
  7. Bock haben – It means “to be willing” or “to be enthusiastic” to do something.
  8. Läuft bei dir – Used to appreciate someone's success, meaning "It's going well for you."

Slang words and expressions are a vibrant and dynamic part of language and are often shaped by young people and popular culture. However, the use of these words can vary depending on context and situation and can sometimes be perceived as disrespectful or inappropriate. Therefore, it is important to use such expressions carefully when learning a new language and addressing different cultures.

Almanca Slang words for people:

  • Stupid: Idiot, Depp, Dummkopf, Pfosten, Vollpfosten, Vollidiot, Volldepp, Vollkoffer, Volltrottel, Vollhorst, Vollkack, Vollkacke, Vollpflaume, Vollpfosti, Vollspacko, Vollidiotensohn, Volldeppensohn , Vollpfostensohn, Vollidiotenkind, Volldeppenkind, Vollpfostenkind
  • Bad: Arschloch, Scheißkerl, Saukerl, Schweinehund, Drecksack, Arschgeige, Arschkrebs, Arschhaar, Arschlochgesicht, Arschlochnase, Arschlochfotze
  • Old: Omi, Opi, Alte, Alter, Opi and Omi, Opa and Oma
  • Child: Kind, Bengel, Balg, Lausbub, Lausjunge, Lausmädchen, Bengelchen, Bärchen, Mäuschen, Mausefalle, Mausefänger
  • Beautiful: Süß, Schätzchen, Schatz, Liebling, Baby, Maus
  • Pleasant: Süß, Niedlich, Lässig, Cool, Chic, Schick, Stylisch, Fashionabel, Modern
  • Popular: Angesagt, In, Trendy, Modern, Schick, Stylisch, Fashionabel
  • Rich: Reich, Geldgeil, Geldgierig, Geizig, Knauserig
  • Fakir: Arm, Pleite, Penner, Obdachlos
  • Handsome: Gutaussehend, Hübsch, Schön, Attraktiv, Charmant
  • Beautiful: Schön, Hübsch, Attraktiv, Charmant
  • Extreme: Übertrieben, Extrem, Ungewöhnlich, Seltartig, Komisch, Lustig, Verrückt, Irrsinnig

German dOther slang words:

  • Yes: Klar, Ja, Jo, Jippi, Klaro, Gerne, Na klar
  • No: Nein, Nö, Nee, Nix, Nicht, Nichts, Nicht möglich
  • A lot: Total, Ganz, Super, Mega, Wahnsinn, Irre, Krass, Hammer
  • Great: Toll, Klasse, Super, Mega, Wahnsinn, Irre, Krass, Hammer
  • Perfect: Perfect, Wunderbar, Großartig, Fantastisch, Genial, Super, Mega, Wahnsinn
  • Good: Gut, Okay, Ganz gut, Super, Mega, Wahnsinn, Irre, Krass, Hammer
  • Bad: Schlecht, Scheiße, Mist, Dreck, Horror, Katastrophe, Alptraum
  • Anything else?: Gibt's noch was?
  • I don't understand: Ich verstehe nothing.
  • How are you?: How are you?
  • I am good thanks. How are you?: Mir geht’s gut, danke. Und dir?
  • See you later.: Tschüss.

These words can be used to make spoken German more colorful and interesting. However, it is necessary to be careful when using slang words. Some slang words may be culturally inappropriate or offensive.

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