German words starting with the letter C

Words starting with the German letter C and their Turkish meanings. Dear friends, the following German word list has been prepared by our members and there may be some deficiencies. It has been prepared to give information. Our forum members can publish their own work. By subscribing to our forum, you can publish your German studies.

There are German words starting with the letter C here. If you want to learn the most common words in German in daily life, click here: German Kelimeler

Now let's give our list of words and sentences:

ca. eine halbe Stunde up to half an hour
Cafeteria cafeteria
Cafetier coffee
Cashewnuss akaju walnut
Chaos chaos, chaotic state
Character character
charaktervoll, myth Charakter <=> with character charakterlos <=> characterless
Charakterzug huy
Chauffeur, Fahrer driver
Chefarzt chief physician
Chefredakteur chief editor
Chemie chemistry

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chemisch chemical
chemische Reinigung dry cleaning
Chile, Chilene, chilenische Sprache Chile, Silili, Silili
China, Chinese, chinese Chinese, Chinese, Chinese
Cholera cholera
Christ christian
Christi Geburt milat
Christus Jesus
Chrom chromium
circa, ungefähr
clever is ridiculously
Cocktail cocktail
College college
Computer, Datenverarbeiter; Zähler, Rechner computer
Couchtisch middle table
Cousin cousin
Creme cream

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