Age asking phrases in German

Here are some sentences you can use to ask age in German:

  1. How old are you? - How old are you?
  2. How old are you? - How old are you?
  3. Kannst du mir dein Alter verraten? – Can you tell me your age?
  4. Wie viele Jahre zählst du? - How old are you?
  5. Darf ich fragen, wie alt du bist? – Can you let me ask how old you are?
  6. In welchem ​​Jahr bist du geboren? - What year were you born?
  7. When is your birthday? - When is your birthday?
  8. Welches Alter hast du erreicht? – What age have you reached?

Asking age should be done carefully, as it is a personal matter and may be sensitive for some Germans. It is important to respect Germans' comfort and wishes before asking them their age.

How old are you? It is a more informal question and is used between friends, family members or acquaintances.

How old are you? It is a more formal question and is used in business situations or when asking people you are meeting for the first time.

Asking age and telling age sentences in German

  • How old are you? - How old are you?
  • How old are you? - How old are you?
  • Ich bin fünfzehn Jahre alt. - I am fifteen years old.
  • Ich bin dreißig Jahre alt. - I am thirty years old.

Another option is “wie alt ist er/sie?” is to use. This question is “how old is he/she?” It means and is more formal because the pronoun “er/sie” is used.

Sample sentences:

  • Wie want alt? - How old is she?
  • How old is she? - How old is she?
  • Er ist vierzig Jahre alt. – He is forty years old.
  • Sie ist fünfundzwanzig Jahre alt. – He is twenty-five years old.

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