German Office Furniture

In this course titled German office furniture, in which we will examine German office furniture, we will teach you the most used German office furniture and furniture. This subject is based on memorization and it is sufficient to learn the most frequently used words first.

German Office Furniture

German Office Furniture Although it seems more like business German, it is a very important issue as there are equipment and materials we use in many areas of our lives outside the workplace. While teaching our lesson, we will give the list of the equipment used in the office, the list of the items used in the office and the list of office furniture in separate tables.

Try to memorize each of the words in the given table together with their articles and with their mutual meanings. Make sure to use newly learned words in sentences during your word memorization practice. In this way, you will make memorizations easier and more memorable.

Office Equipment German equivalent
Computer → der Computer
Ekran → der Bildschirm
Speaker → der Lautsprecher
Disk → der Datentrager
Phone → das Phone
Copying machine → the Photocopier
Fax machine → das Faxgerat
Printer → der Drucker
Cartridge → die Boss
Projector → der Projector
Calculator → der Taschenrechner

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German Office Furniture Illustrated

Dear friends, let's explain the most used German office equipment with images.

german school items die schere german scissors german office items

german school items der radiergummi german eraser german office items


german school utensils der marker german highlighter german office utensils

german school utensils der kuli german ballpoint pen german office utensils

german school wares der fuller fountain pen german office utensils



german school items der bleistift pencil german office items

german school items das klebeband german tape german office items

german school items das heft german notebook german office items

german school items das buch german book german office items

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Items Used in the German Office

Now let's see the German items used in the office as a table.

Items Used in the Office German equivalent
Silgi → der Radiergummi
Scissors → die schere
Sharpener → says Anspitzer
Attachments → die Buroklammer
Stift Writing pad → der Schreibblock
Ruler → das Lineal
Envelope → der Briefumschlag
Bowl → die Briefmark
Glue → says Kleber
Pen → the ballpen
Pen → der Fullfederhalter
Pen → der Stift
Marker → der Fluoreszierender Stift
Pencil → der Bleistift
Paper → das blatt-papier
Block note → says Block
Book → das Buch
Notebooks → das Notizheft
File → die Mappe
Slides → Die Dias
Band → das klebeband
Stapler → die Hifter
Fastener → die Heftzwecke
Calendar → says Kalender

German Office Furniture

Below are the German and Turkish languages ​​of the most frequently used office equipment.

German Office Furniture German equivalent
Mass → der Tisch
Wastepaper basket → der Papierkorb
Chair → says Stuhl
Flag → the flag
Lamp → Die Lampe
Light → the light

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