German Days

In this article, we will give information about German days, the pronunciation of German days and their Turkish version. Dear friends, welcome to our lesson titled "Explaining the days of the week in German". In our first lessons like this, you will be introduced to German words and will not require any prior knowledge. german days, then we will see the months, the German seasons, and the German numbers in our later lessons.

The topic of German days is easy to learn and memorize. As you know, there are 4 seasons, 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days in a year. There are 7 days in a week. In that case German days On the subject we will now learn the name of the 7 days in the week.

Aşağıda German days They are given in Turkish, and their German spellings and pronunciations are given in parentheses.
In the Turkish text, the: sign indicates that the preceding string will be read for a long time.

German days If you want to learn more about German days and hear the pronunciation of German days, you can watch our video named German days on our youtube almancax channel.


First, let's see the German days in a table, write both Turkish and German. Then, let's see the Turkish pronunciation by writing one by one.

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German Days and Turkish

The days of the week in German and their Turkish meanings are given in the table below. We don't need to say it, but let us remind you that an important subject like German days must be memorized well. So study the following table well.

German Days
German Days
Monday Pazartesi
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Cuma
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday

German Days Pronunciations

German days and their pronunciation are in the table below.

German days pronunciations and Turkish
German Days Pronunciations
German in Turkish pronunciation
Monday Pazartesi Monday
Tuesday Tuesday Di:nztag
Wednesday Wednesday Mitvoh
Thursday Thursday Denmark
Friday Cuma fghaytag
Saturday Saturday Zamstag
Sunday Sunday Zontag

German days as above. Formerly in German for Saturday sonnabend The word was used. But now Saturday The word is used more. Still, let's give additional information that somewhere sonnabend If you hear the word, be informed. sonnabend word in German Saturday indicates the day of the week. It means Saturday. But now the most Saturday The word is used.

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German Days and Turkish Readings

Now let's write a list of German days together with the Turkish readings:
In the Turkish text, the: sign indicates that the preceding string will be read for a long time.

  • Monday: Monday (Mode: nt: g)
  • Tuesday: Tuesday (Di ns in: g)
  • Wednesday: Wednesday (Mitvoh)
  • Thursday: Thursday (In donırs: g)
  • Friday: Friday (Frayt: f)
  • Saturday: Saturday (Sämsta: g)
  • Sunday: Sunday (Zonta: g)

German days You can encounter the subject at any time of the day and anywhere. On calendars, when purchasing flight tickets, making reservations at any hotel, buying tickets for any match, going to a concert, etc. German days subject will be absolutely necessary for you. You cannot do any of these things without knowing the German days.

German Days Picture Sample

German Days
German Days

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Asking and Answering the Question What Day is Today in German

While giving example sentences, first “which day is todayLet's learn to ask the question.

Welcher Tag is heute?

What day is it today?

Heute ist Dienstag 

Today is Tuesday

Heute ist Donnerstag

Today is Thursday

Heute ist Mittwoch

Today is wednesday

Welcher Tag is heute?

What day is it today?

Heute ist Freitag

Today is Friday

Heute ist Montag

Today is Monday

Asking and Answering the Question Which Day is Tomorrow in German

Now "which day is tomorrowLet's examine the question ”and the answers that can be given to this question:

Welcher Tag ist morgen?

What day is tomorrow?

Morgen ist Samstag

Tomorrow is Saturday

Morgen ist Sonntag

Tomorrow is Sunday

Welcher Tag ist morgen?

What day is tomorrow?

Morgen ist Freitag

Tomorrow is Friday

tomorrow is Monday

Tomorrow is Monday

Morgen ist Mittwoch

Tomorrow is wednesday

Dear friends, as can be seen in the sample sentences above "todayThe word "in Turkish"bugün"Means,"tomorrowThe word ""tomorrowIt means ”. In the meantime, a little more information: if tomorrow If the initial letter of the word is written in lowercase "tomorrowMeans "but Tomorrow the initial of the word as seen here (Tomorrow) when the initials are capitalized "sabahIt means ”. Let's also give this little information.

Now let's continue with our sample sentences about the German days.

German days example sentences

  • Eine Woche hat 7 Tage: There are 7 days in a week.
  • Worgestern war Montag: The day before the day was Monday.
  • Gestern war Dienstag: It was Tuesday yesterday.
  • Heute ist Mittwoch: Today is Wednesday.
  • Morgen ist Donnerstag: Tomorrow is Thursday.
  • Übermorgen ist Freitag: Friday after tomorrow.

German Phrases to Say What Day It Is Today

  • Heute ist Montag. : Today is Monday.
  • Heute ist Dienstag. : Today is Tuesday.
  • Heute ist Mittwoch. : Today is Wednesday.
  • Heute ist Donnerstag. : Today is Thursday.
  • Heute ist Freitag. : Today is Friday.
German Days Sample Sentences
German Days Sample Sentences

German speaking sermons: yesterday, today, tomorrow

  • Heute ist Montag: Today is Monday
  • Heute ist Dienstag: Today is Tuesday
  • Heute ist Donnerstag: Today is Thursday
  • Gestern war Montag: Yesterday was Monday
  • Gestern war Mittwoch: Yesterday was Wednesday
  • Gestern war Freitag: Yesterday was Friday
  • Morgen ist Montag: Tomorrow is Monday
  • Morgen ist Freitag: Tomorrow Friday
  • Morgen ist Samstag: Tomorrow is Saturday

Heute ist Montag. : Today is Monday.
Heute ist Dienstag. : Today is Tuesday.
Heute ist Mittwoch. : Today is Wednesday.
Heute ist Donnerstag. : Today is Thursday.
Heute ist Freitag. : Today is Friday.

You are reading our subject in German, peki German Months and Seasons Have you read our lecture? After reading the German months and seasons in German, you will learn the German days, months and seasons.

German Days Test Subject

We recommend that you quickly solve the German Days topic test, which we will prepare shortly. German days lectures are usually shown to students in the ninth grade. Students who did not take German lessons in the 9th grade can be taught the subject of German days in the 10th grade.

This comprehensive lecture, which we have prepared regarding the subject of German days, is a guide, and if you have any other issue or request that we need to mention, please let us know.

You can write any questions and comments about our German lessons on almancax forums. All your questions will be answered by almancax instructors.

Mixed sentences about days in German

  1. Montag (Monday):
    1. “Ich gehe am Montag zum Arzt.” – “I'm going to the doctor on Monday.”
    2. “Am Montag beginnt die Schule wieder.” – “School starts again on Monday.”
    3. “Wir treffen uns am Montag im Büro.” – “We will meet at the office on Monday.”
    4. “Der Kurs startet jeden Montag.” – “The course starts every Monday.”
    5. “Montags bin ich immer müde.” – “I'm always tired on Mondays.”
  2. Dienstag (Tuesday):
    1. “Am Dienstag habe ich ein Meeting.” – “I have a meeting on Tuesday.”
    2. “Wir spielen am Dienstag Fußball.” – “We are playing football on Tuesday.”
    3. “Dienstags gehe ich ins Fitnessstudio.” – “I go to the gym on Tuesdays.”
    4. “Der Zug fährt am Dienstag ab.” – “The train leaves on Tuesday.”
    5. “Am Dienstag ist es meistens sonnig.” – “Tuesdays are usually sunny.”
  3. Mittwoch (Wednesday):
    1. “Am Mittwoch ist halbtag.” – “Half day on Wednesday.”
    2. “Mittwochs habe ich einen Deutschkurs.” – “I have a German course on Wednesdays.”
    3. “Wir essen am Mittwoch immer Fisch.” – “We always eat fish on Wednesdays.”
    4. “Das Konzert ist am Mittwoch.” – “The concert is on Wednesday.”
    5. “Mittwochs ist der Markt sehr belebt.” – “The market is very active on Wednesdays.”
  4. Donnerstag (Thursday):
    1. “Am Donnerstag arbeiten wir von zu Hause.” – “We work from home on Thursday.”
    2. “Donnerstags besuche ich meine Großeltern.” – “I visit my grandmothers on Thursdays.”
    3. “Die Bibliothek schließt am Donnerstag früh.” – “The library closes early on Thursday.”
    4. “Am Donnerstag haben wir ein Fußballspiel.” – “We have a football match on Thursday.”
    5. “Donnerstags ist es immer hektisch im Büro.” – “Thursdays are always busy at the office.”
  5. Freitag (Friday):
    1. “Freitags gehe ich immer früh schlafen.” – “I always go to bed early on Fridays.”
    2. “Am Freitag haben wir eine Prüfung.” – “We have an exam on Friday.”
    3. “Das Meeting ist am Freitagmorgen.” – “The meeting is Friday morning.”
    4. “Freitags essen wir immer draußen.” – “We always eat out on Fridays.”
    5. “Am Freitag ist das Büro geschlossen.” – “The office is closed on Friday.”
  6. Samstag (Saturday):
    1. “Samstags gehe ich einkaufen.” – “I go shopping on Saturdays.”
    2. “Am Samstag ist mein Geburtstag.” – “Saturday is my birthday.”
    3. “Wir haben samstags immer ein Familientreffen.” – “We always have a family meeting on Saturdays.”
    4. “Das Konzert ist am Samstagabend.” – “The concert is on Saturday evening.”
    5. “Samstags ist der Park sehr voll.” – “The park is very crowded on Saturdays.”

Let's Test Ourselves: German Days

What are the German days?

German days:
Monday: Monday
Tuesday: Tuesday
Wednesday: Wednesday
Thursday: Thursday
Friday: Friday
Saturday: Saturday
Sunday: Sunday

What day is Montag?

In the German language, Montag is Monday.

What day is Donnerstag?

In the German language, Donnerstag is Thursday.

How to pronounce days in German?

German days are read as follows:
Monday: Monday (Mode: nt: g)
Tuesday: Tuesday (di:nzta:g)
Wednesday: Wednesday (Mitvoh)
Thursday: Thursday (at freezing:g)
Friday: Friday (fgayta:g)
Saturday: Saturday (zamsta:g)
Sunday: Sunday (Zonta: g)

How do you say what day is today in German?

Welcher Tag is heute?
What day is it today?

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18 Yorumlar
  1. . diyor

    What day does the week start with in German-speaking countries?

    1. . diyor


      1. . diyor


    2. . diyor

      starts from sunday

    3. . diyor


  2. destine diyor

    My teacher is in my 7th grade, I have a German software tomorrow, I have the months of the seasons and WHAT ANSWERS TO THE QUESTION HOW ARE YOU? Wie geht es Dir? Can you write the answer to this question?

    1. . diyor

      danke es geht mir gut i'm fine thank you how are you my friend

  3. order day diyor

    danke es geht nur gut

  4. Ceyda 2003-2013 diyor

    also when you press the exercise place on the page
    too bad the same thing happened

  5. . diyor

    Apps are very good

  6. I won't give blood diyor


  7. Züleyha FB diyor

    We are taking german class this year but i got 100

  8. What's it to you diyor

    damn i got 100

  9. to you diyor

    Today is …
    how to say

    1. Heute ist mittwoch diyor

      days in german

  10. hamza diyor

    I am Hamza

  11. sparrow bird diyor

    only monday no tuesday

  12. Münevver Koçak diyor

    Just no monday tuesday

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