What does hello mean in german?

How to say hello in German, What does hello mean in German? Dear friends, in this article, we will include the word hello, which is one of the first words that those who start learning German usually learn first. We have mentioned the phrases of greeting and farewell in German very extensively in our previous articles. Now let's show some words that mean hello in German.

Hello hi)


(halo :)

Hello hi)




Good morning

(gu:tin morgin)

good afternoon (good afternoon)

Good day

(gu:tin ta:g)

Good evening

Good evening

(gu:tin abnt)


Good night

(gu:ti naht)

Each of the words shown in different colors above has a different meaning, and first its Turkish, then its German, and then its pronunciation are given.

We wish you success in your German lessons.

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