How to say I love you in German

How do you say I love you in German? How do you say I love you in German? Dear friends, in this article, we will talk about the words of love in German. In our previous articles, we wrote you messages of love and affection in German, if you wish, you can find the relevant content by searching our website and German forums.

how to say i love you in german I love you It is expressed as. I love you say I love you means.

Bu ich liebe dich in the sentence ich the word " " It means, liebe If the word is lieben It is the conjugation of the verb in the first person singular, dich the word is "you to you” means. Therefore ich liebe dich sentence to Turkish I love you is translated as

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You can also use the following expressions to express your love and affection to the other person:

ich vermisse dich
I miss you.
Du bist sehr suss
You're so sweet
Ich bin in dich ferliebt
I am in love with you.
Ich vermisse dich so sehr
I miss you so much.
Ich werde dich immer lieben
I will always love you.
Their will mit dir leben
I want to live with you
Ich bin sehr glucklich mit dir
I am very happy with you.
I love you and I do not want to lose
You are in my heart as long as I live

German I love you and other terms of expressing love can be exemplified as given above. We wish you all the best in your German lessons.

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