Examples of German Pronouns, Individuals and Possessive Pronouns

Dear friends In this lesson we will examine the German Pronouns, the Individuals and the Possessive Pronouns (we have already examined this in our previous lessons) and now we will provide examples to better understand the German personal and possession pronouns.

Possessive pronouns linked to German persons and persons

German personal pronouns:

ich (ben)
du (you)
er (masculine)
sie (that feminine)
es (o neutral)
wir (us)
ihr (you)
sie (they)
Sie (you
, gentle and formal appeal is used instead.)

If you look at the list of person pronouns above, you will see that the word is 3.
We can easily understand from what point sie is used the meaning of sie, for example verb conjugation.
Personal pronouns are an important issue because they are the most used subjects in the cümlede. It is a must to memorize each one individually.
In fact, you will encounter many German pronouns, these prepositions are not likely to come to your mind Aslında

German possessive pronouns

Person Male-Neutral Female
ich: me my : just me my : just me
du: you from : your find : your
er: o (male) breast : her seine : her
sie: o (female) her : her want to print their individual : her
es: o (neutral) breast : her seine : her
wir: we our : our and our : our
ihr: you your : your eure : your
sie: they her : they want to print their individual : they
Sie: you (kind) Your : your your : your

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Now let's do a little analysis of this table and give the necessary information:
We first give the personal pronoun in tablord that the person who owns it is certain. The first ones written in the left are the personal pronouns, the latter are possessive pronouns connected to this person.
The ones written in blue on the table are the ones to be used with male names.
For example, in my father's dictation, the father's word is masculine, so the possessive pronoun is written in blue.
For my mother's testimony, the pink-colored possessive pronoun will be used. The mother's (Mutter) word is the articulate dice article of feminine ciner and mutter word.

Examples of German personal pronouns and possession pronouns in German are available in the following videomuze.
We wish you luck.


Life capital is scarce. There are many things you need.

The wisdom and the fact that man is sent to this world; It is to recognize the Hâlik-ı Kâinat and to believe and worship Him.

The most grateful thing is that you do not forget the Hereafter for the World, and you do not sacrifice the Hereafter to the world.

The most important work that Hâlık-i Rahman wants from his worship is thankful.

In your act, Rizâ-y must be Divine. If he is good, then the whole world is not worthless.

This world is a fan. the biggest case is to win the real world. If the person is not strong enough, the case loses.

In their cruel glory, they remain in a state of oppression and migrate from here. So a court-cube is left.

Sultan-ı universe is one, the key of all is next to him, the rest of everything is in the hands of Him.


As explained in the Youth Guide, youth will go without a doubt. In summer and winter, and in the daytime transition and night shift, youth will change to even oldness and death. If all of your favors and temporary youth are consumed in chastity with the chastity of the vows, all the semaqi fermans give good news that they will have an eternal youth.

If you exhort, how can you take a minute for a minute of violence, punishes millions of jail time; so it confirms with the youthful experience of the youthful pleasures and delicacies of the unauthorized youth, and the soulfulness of the Hereafter and the grace of the grave and the zawâl, and of the souls of the same taste, apart from the sins and earthly majzahs.
If you go in the direction of the circle, youth will be a very nice and beautiful blessing and a sweet and powerful means of life as a brilliant and bountiful youth in the Hereafter, especially as a Qur'an with a very high level of all semaviv books and fermans they give notice and good news. If this is the truth. And now, the law is a sacred space. And since the haram is a clock flavor, sometimes a year and 10 years imprisonment will be taken. Of course, as a blessing to the blessing of youth, it is necessary and necessary to spend that sweet blessing in the affection and direction.

The almancax team wishes success ...

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