What is Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer Symptoms, Causes Lung Cancer?

Located in the chest cavity. The lungs provide oxygen to the body. And it provides clearance of blood by respiration. There are two lungs in the body.


1.3 annually leads to the death of millions of people worldwide.
It is more common in men than in women. It occurs as a result of uncontrolled proliferation of tissue and cell structure in the lung. It is possible to divide lung cancer into two. These; small cell lung cancer; and non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer; 15 in lung cancers. Non-small cell lung cancer includes many lung cancers.


Lung cancer may vary depending on the location of the mass. A mass located in the upper part of the lung can cause pressure on some nerves, causing pain in the arms and shoulders, shortening of the voice, and low eyelid. The most common symptom of lung cancer is persistent cough. Difficulty in swallowing, wheezing and persistent shortness of breath, bloody sputum formation, excessive weakness and pain in the breasts, fatigue, loss of appetite, swelling of the face and shoulders and such factors may cause lung cancer. In advanced levels of cancer, muscle weakness, dizziness, confusion, stinging and tingling of the toes and toes may occur.


Excessive cigarette consumption also increases the risk of lung cancer. Age is an important factor among the causes of this type of cancer. 55 is a more common type of cancer in individuals over the age. Asbestos, air pollution, radon (a natural and odorless gas found in the house or soil), genetic predisposition, tuberculosis disease, long-term exposure to ores such as lung cancer, radioactive uranium and the like, prolonged breathing of chemicals such as arsenic. agents cause lung cancer.


Computed tomography is performed primarily in patients with a mass with plain lung x-ray. Then, a piece called lung is taken from the lung with a method called bronoscopy. And if necessary, it is applied in different ways.


There are four stages in lung cancer. In the first stage, the cancer is in the lung. In the second stage, the cancer spread to the lymph nodes closest to the lung. In the event that the cancer settled in the space between the two lungs and the membrane, the third stage was passed. And when it comes to the last stage, cancer involves the distribution of the bone, liver and adrenal glands. In the first stage of cancer, the success rate of treatment is higher. However, in advanced levels of cancer, in addition to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, drug treatment is applied in cancer treatment process.


Early diagnosis of lung cancer facilitates the treatment process. Age of the patient, other health problems of the patient and the point and stage of the disease are also effective in the treatment of the disease. Surgical intervention, chemotherapy, radiation and drug therapy are the mainstay of treatment. however, treatment of the disease can be divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. And these two methods can change the treatment process. In small cell lung cancer, the treatment process proceeds with surgical intervention and some or all of the lung is removed during surgery. This type of cancer is mostly seen in people who consume cigarettes and such products. In non-small cell lung cancer, chemotherapy or radiation therapy is applied because the cancer has spread to larger areas.

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