What happens if a decayed tooth is not treated?

What happens if a decayed tooth is not treated?

When swelling occurs on your face, you should take it very seriously. In general, most people do not know that when the infection reaches the brain, it will create serious problems. Abscess in general is a pus of foul-smelling inflammation. Inflammation caused by white blood cells and dead tissues is a sticky liquid. The main cause of abscess is infection by bacteria. Dental abscesses often occur in two different types. The abscess collected in the root of the tooth and the abscess formed in the gum are divided into two. Abscesses occurring in the tooth roots occur as a result of inability to perform oral care and caries formed immediately. Abscesses occurring in the gums result from the failure of daily oral care. In particular, it should be known that food residues accumulated between the teeth form bacteria directly.

The first sign of caries tooth is severe pain

The first sign of tooth abscess is abruptly developing tooth pain. The severity of the pain will usually increase within a few hours. Pain often hits the ear, neck and jaw bone in many patients. It is known that swelling occurs on the face and pain size increases when the abscess is touched. The formation of a very bad smell in the mouth and even the sense of taste is one of the most important factors. Disturbances such as the development of a great sensitivity to cold and hot drinks and a rise in fever can also occur.

Infection Very Close to Your Brain

Increase in toothache leads to death Many experts say at every turn. It is not uncommon for an ordinary family dentist to have the opportunity to immediately save a person's life. Toothache is a serious issue that develops suddenly and can immediately reveal the consequences when it affects the brain. If your tooth constantly irritates you with pain and leaks, you should see a physician immediately. The resulting bacteria are very likely to go to your brain. In particular, the treatment of a very long-term bacterial growth in the near future can threaten many individuals. You must apply to the nearest dental health institution by showing sensitivity to this subject. If you take tooth abscess formation seriously, you will always get successful results.

You Should Take Dental Abscesses Seriously

Dental abscess treatment is of great importance within the first 24 hours. Since antibiotics need to be administered by intravenous or high doses, the 12 or 24 hourly period is important. Because antibiotics cannot be said to act quickly. The need for time is very important in the treatment program. Only pulling teeth is not enough for dental treatment. To be able to clean the infected area and to intervene immediately will show the success of dental treatment. It is necessary to clear the infection channels and prevent it from reaching the brain.

Mouth is the door to the whole body

Most people are not aware of the vital importance of any dental abscess. There is a need to raise public awareness of fatal dental abscesses. People do not see the tooth as a small structure according to their opinion and do not replace it. Teeth, one of the most important organs of the human body, is one of the most important organs that decide whether to eat, talk, taste and the visual shape of your face. It is by no means a logical approach to go to a doctor in the discomfort of an organ that has so many tasks and is able to struggle to perform every task. Your teeth are vital as well as the organs on the side of your teeth are just as important. There is no area where infection cannot reach in this region. Untreated infection is very easy to reach the ear, neck and brain.

What to do when tooth abscess occurs

When the abscess occurs, it is recommended that you first apply ice to the area for approximately 30 minutes for relaxation. When you apply ice, it will relax and the pain will relieve in a short time. You can gargle directly to the abscess area with the help of hot saline. Gargle your teeth if you have a condition such as sores or bleeding soothe. Shake your mouth for 60 seconds every hour, adding a teaspoon of salt to a normal sized coffee mug glass. You should avoid all crispy and hard foods. Root canal treatment can be applied when the tooth is treatable. Withdrawal may become the only option when it becomes untreatable.

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