German Word Recognition, English and Turkish

The video titled German Word Readings, English and Turkish was a very nice work. Almost all of us speak a little bit of English, it is obvious that we will get a lot from this video. Also nice for those who want to compare German and English.

You will notice that many words in German and English are similar, only one or two letters are different, and there are even many words that are the same between the two languages.

Although there are no certain similarities between German and Turkish grammar, there are many similarities between English grammar and German grammar.
Words that are the same even in writing are numerous.
There are many similarities between German and English, although there are no similarities between German and Turkish, particularly in sentence setups in time (tense).

We never want to break your moral, but German has a rather difficult and more complex structure than English.
Therefore, the German language can not be generalized as English, it can not be connected to general and exact rules as English.
The rule in the German language is numerous, but each rule has its own exception.
It requires a definite memorization.
If this video, which is prepared in a very simple way and is educational, is useful.

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