German Trennbare Verben List of Separable Verbs

Dear friends, this time, we will see the topic of German Trennbare Verben, namely German Separable Verbs. As you know, in addition to the regular-irregular distinction, there are also concepts of separable verbs and non-separable verbs in German. In this lesson, we will see the subject that can be separated, namely trennbare verben.

Let's watch our video now.


If you have noticed, there are 5 videos on our site on the subject of separable verbs. This is because we have covered the subject of separable verbs broadly. Each video includes different verbs, this verb list is a long list.

Some examples of Trennbare Verben - Separable Verbs are written below and you can find more in our video lesson.

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MITCHOMMEN: Coming together
ich komme mit: I am coming with you (with you)
Do you come to Kommst du mit?

ABFAHREN: to move
Wann fährt der Zug ab? When is the train moving?

HERSCHAUEN: look here
Ist das mein Buch? Schau merchandise: is this my book? Look here

MITNEHMEN: take with you
Nimm de Regenschirm myth: take the umbrella as well (beside)

Ankommen: arrive
Wann kommt der Zug an? When is the train arriving?

LOSGEHEN: go away, get lost in the middle
Wir gehen los!

HERCOMMEN: to come here
Komm sofort her! Come here quick!

Anfangen: To start
Wann fängt der Unterricht an?: When does the course start?

AUFGEBEN: give up
ich pregnant auf: I give up

EMPTY: stopping, ending
Das Regen hört auf: the rain is at rest
hoor auf! Enough, finish

AUSSTEIGEN: to descend from somewhere
Ich steige hier aus: I'm going here

Einsteigen: ride
Ich steige hier ein: I'm here

Kommen Sie bitte rein!: Come in please

RAUSWERFEN: throwing away
Ich werfe die schüler raus: I'm throwing out students

Vorschlag that: to suggest
Was schlägst du vor?: What do you suggest?

ZUHÖR by: listen
Sie sie mir zu! Listen to me!

WEGLAUFEN: moving from one place to another
Laufen Sie nicht zu weit weg: Do not go too far

AUFWACH by: wake up
ich wache um 6 Uhr auf: I wake up at 6

AUFSTEH that: to get up
ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf: I wake up at 7de

HINGEHEN: go there
es gibt ein Party.Wir gehen hin: party is there we go there

ANRUFEN: phone call
ich rufe meine Tante an: Looking for Teyzemi
Ruf mich an: Search me

ABSCHREIBEN: write from one place, copy
I write ich schreibe den text ab: texti (from somewhere)

The use of the above separable actions is as follows:
As seen in the sample sentences, the actual verb is drawn according to the personal pronouns.
The actual verb comes right after the subject (the place where we call the second place). The separated form of the verb goes to the end of the cümlen.
In German, all separable verbs are used in this way.

Examples of verbs that can be separated in German, ie trennbare verben, are also available in our video tutorial below.
We wish you luck.

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