- It grows in hot climates.
- Adapt to South Asia and West Africa.
- Okra collected before the ripening process is too much nucleated.
- Although it is good for many diseases, it is used for medical purposes in Asia.
- The okra grown in Turkey is referred to by the name of which is grown. For example; Balıkesir, Sultani, Bornova and Amasya varieties are available.
Benefits of Okra
- Has an important place in terms of weight loss. 100 grams of gumbo contains 3 grams of fiber. This plays an important role in the functioning of the intestines.
- It plays a stabilizing role in terms of stomach acid. It is used to prevent stomach discomfort.
- High content of protein; It is used by those who want to buy vegetable-derived protein.
- Okra in the antioxidant foods group is rich in vitamins A and C.
- It plays an important role to protect the skin.
- It prevents many eye problems such as cataracts.
- It is used to reduce the effect of respiratory diseases such as asthma.
- Diabetes is also good for people with okra diabetes is used in the treatment process.
- Balances blood sugar and thus maintains the sugar level as it should be.
- Water ratio is high. Therefore, it prevents constipation or similar bowel problems.
- Strengthens and regulates the immune system.
- Due to the fiber and antioxidants it contains, it is preventive of cancer, especially oral and throat cancers.
- Does not contain saturated fat and cholesterol.
- Pregnancy in women is important in preventing the situation such as inability to get pregnant.
- Prevents blood clotting.
- Reduces stress and depression and thus protects the nervous system.
Benefits of Okra Seed
- It is effective in the treatment of bronchitis if consumed as coffee.
- Okra with high fiber content strengthens the immune system.
- It is a treatment against intestinal problems.
Benefits of Okra Juice
- Gumbo is the water produced by boiling. Gumbo contains minerals and vitamins.
- Okra juice is used as a method when it is desired to weaken with okra.
- Besides slimming, it is also used for hair care and hair health.
- It adds volume and shine to the hair by washing the hair with okra water during the shower.
Calories and Nutritional Value of Okra
- It is among the vegetables with high nutritional value.
- It is rich in iron, magnesium, vitamins A, C and K.
- It is the source of folic acid needed during pregnancy.
- 100 grams gumbo 30 contains an important calorie diet because it contains calories; gumbo with olive oil to be consumed as a portion of 77 calories. And again, one portion of gumbo is obtained from 3 grams of protein.
Considerations When Buying Okra
- If it is taken dried, it should be avoided if there are differences in stain and color.
- For fresh okra consumption, it is recommended that okra be consumed on the same day.

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