Skin; Although it is the largest organ of the body, it protects against injuries by covering internal organs. Helps the body provide vitamin D while preventing excess water and fluid loss. Protects against bacteria, germs and harmful ultraviolet rays. Helps maintain body temperature. It consists of 3 layer as epidermis, dermis and subcutis. Skin cancer is caused by genetic, environmental, chemical, radiation and personal factors. Skin cancer, on the other hand, is caused by various damages in the DNA of the skin.

Skin Cancer Causes

Ultraviolet rays, UVA, UVB, UVC rays, solarium, moles, dysplastic nevus, congenital melanocytic nevus, light skin, freckling, light hair, age (usually 25 - 29), gender, welding genetic factors are among the causes.

Types of Skin Cancer

3 is the main skin cancer type. The first is basal cell carcinoma. And this constitutes 80% of skin cancer. It usually develops in cases of sun exposure and taking radiotherapy as a child. The second is squamous cell carcinoma. This type of cancer occurs on the skin damaged by chemicals. Melanoma is the third type of cancer. This is the most serious type of skin cancer.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

There are changes in the size and shape or color of newly formed blemishes or stains on the skin.
And these stains have a different appearance compared to other stains. In addition to these symptoms, non-healing wounds, increased sensitivity, itching, pain, changes in the surface of the I, symptoms such as bleeding or lump-shaped appearance.

Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer

Reducing the exposure to UV rays can be protected by taking care of points such as protection from the sun and attention to the expiration date of cosmetic products.

Skin Cancer Treatment

One of the most important points in the treatment process, as in many diseases, early diagnosis is important. Surgical treatment is applied. This surgery is also applied in various ways. Judging from these surgeries; curettage and electrocauterization, mohs surgery, freezing, laser treatment, wide excision, reconstructive, photodynamic surgery. Other than surgery, radiotherapy and tropical treatments are available.

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