Measles, mumps, chicken pox and similar diseases are commonly considered as childhood diseases. In addition to being contagious in general, the aforementioned diseases can be caught in one or more individuals while they are not yet vaccinated. These diseases knitted during childhood should not be underestimated. Serious conditions may be encountered due to various complications. However, there are vaccines that are effective for many of these common diseases in this period.

Measles; It occurs as a result of infectious and rash respiratory infections caused by viruses. It is usually seen in late spring and spring. Although it is a common disease in adults, it can be more dangerous and fatal when seen in young infants. Although the disease can be transmitted by contact with sputum or saliva, it is usually transmitted between people through air droplets. It may spread to the environment as a result of sneezing or coughing by the person suffering from the disease. The average incubation period of the disease is between 10 and 14 days. This process refers to the process between the onset of the microbes forming the disease and the signs of the disease. The most contagious period includes 2 daily before the onset of complaints and 4 daily after the onset of rashes.

Symptoms of the disease; The most common complaint is fever. Symptoms such as cough, runny nose, or infection of the eyes are other symptoms associated with fever. Symptoms of the disease appear after 9 - 11 days after the virus enters the body. Other symptoms related to the disease include pain in the eyes and swelling of the eyelids, sensitivity to light, sneezing, various rashes in the body, and pain in the body. There is no special drug in the treatment of the disease.

Rubella; is an infectious type of viral infection. The occurrence of the disease in adult individuals is a very rare condition. As in the case of measles, treatment is applied according to the symptoms. Symptoms of the disease may vary according to the child. However, the symptoms do not change according to each patient and similar complaints can be seen. Fever, runny nose, cough and flu-like symptoms are seen. In addition, swelling and pain in the lymph nodes can be seen. Typical small and bright-looking rashes are also seen.

Mumps; A type of viral infection, the disease specifically affects the parotid glands. These glands refer to the salivary glands located in the front of the ears. The disease can affect both glands as well as only one. Without a special treatment, the disease can be transmitted to the person through saliva or sputum and similar ways. As a result of the virus going to the respiratory tract, these glands swell. It can be contagious for 15 days before the symptoms of the disease, which is contagious for 7 days, and up to 8 days after the onset of the virus. Although the symptoms of the disease are mild, they begin to appear 2 to 3 weeks after the person is exposed to the virus. It shows symptoms such as fever, headache and muscle aches, weakness and fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, joint pain, dry mouth. Antibiotics are effective for the treatment of the disease.

Chicken pox; The virus that causes the disease, which manifests itself with rashes in the form of blisters filled with liquid, can cause chickenpox and shingles. After an incubation period of 2 to 3 weeks after the virus enters the body, weakness, exhaustion, fever are seen through rashes filled with fluid. Fever progresses slightly in the first period. In case the bubbles in question are burst, there are traces left at these points. The cause of chickenpox is based on some type of infection. The spread of the disease most often occurs during the period of fluid-filled rash. Occurrence of the disease in adults is a rare condition. Although there is no antibiotic treatment in the disease, it can be used to minimize the risk of bacterial infection, since it is severe when seen in adults. Since the disease is virus-based, the treatment process is continued according to the symptoms of the disease. In order to reduce the itching of the rashes during the disease process, taking a shower with warm water relaxes the person. And the patient's standing in cool environments has an important place in terms of patient relaxation.

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