What is CRP, What is CRP Test, CRP Values, CRP How and Why?

What is CRP?
CRP, which stands for C-Reactive Protein, is a value determined by blood tests and provides information about the inflammation status in our body. CRP is produced by the liver against inflammation in the body. In cases of suspected inflammatory disease or cancer, CRP testing is performed. According to the CRP value, the disease is diagnosed with new tests and assays.

CRPstands for C-Reactive Proteinis. It is a blood test that measures inflammation and the degree of inflammation in the body, regardless of hunger or satiety. It can be done at any time, because there is no difference in its values ​​during the day.

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CRP level It is used as a highly sensitive marker in detecting many diseases in the body. CRP value increases in case of inflammation in the body. The physician who suspects this condition will be diagnosed through a blood test. C-reactive protein may want to check your levels. But CRP test It does not provide information about the cause of inflammation.

CRP (C-reactive protein) It is a protein produced in the liver. Our body gives a complex response to situations such as infection, tumor and trauma. Increasing serum CRP concentration, increasing body temperature, and increasing white blood cell count are part of the response. This physiological response is aimed at eliminating the factor that causes infection or inflammation, reducing tissue damage and activating the body's repair mechanism. Serum CRP (C-reactive protein) concentrations are very low in healthy individuals.

When is CRP Test Performed?

The CRP test is a test frequently requested by doctors to reveal a condition in the body that is not going well. The CRP test alone is not sufficient to diagnose the disease. A high CRP test result indicates that something is wrong with your body. In this case, your doctor will be asked to make new tests and tests and the diagnosis will be made according to the results of the test. Your doctor will ask you to have a CRP test if you are in doubt.

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- Inflammation of the body or suspicion of a rheumatic disease.
- suspicion of intestinal inflammation or joint diseases.
- Suspicion of heart disease.
CRP testing is also performed to ensure that the inflammation is detected in advance and intervened without increasing inflammation after surgery, post-injury or burn treatment.

High levels of CRP may be a predictor of many diseases, especially heart disease. For this reason, experts recommend that CRP values ​​be monitored by performing CRP tests at least 1 times a year.

If the CRP value is high, the values ​​return to normal levels within 18 to 20 hours with the treatment methods applied. If the values ​​cannot be reduced, it is concluded that the disease continues and the treatment plan is continued.

The CRP test both reveals the presence of the disease and measures the benefit from the treatment if the treatment plan has been formed.

It is also produced by the liver C-reactive protein (CRP)It may indicate bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases, types of cancer, risk of heart attack and vascular inflammation. Since Crp is produced in the liver, the functioning of the liver may be disrupted in case of liver disorders.

High sensitivity, a variant of the C-Reactive Protein test CRP (hs-CRP) It is used to control cardiovascular diseases.

At what intervals is the CRP value higher?

Before the test, people who are going to have a CRP test should inform their doctors about prescription or non-prescription drugs they use, natural supplements they take and the diseases they have. Each drug used may have an impact on CRP results. In order for your doctor to interpret your CRP values ​​correctly, you should share this information with your doctor before testing.

The CRP value under 10 milligrams per liter is generally determined as normal. CRP values ​​below 10 milligrams per liter are considered normal. In the case of CRP values ​​higher than this level, you will be diagnosed with inflammation in your body by performing larger tests and tests. CRP values ​​should be followed by repeated CRP test in order to determine the extent to which the treatments to be applied after diagnosis with high or high CRP levels are responded to.

What Causes CRP Height?

The main reason for your high CRP is an inflammation in your body. After inflammation in the body, CRP is produced by the liver.
Apart from inflammation in the body, elevation of CRP is also observed due to reasons such as cancer, cardiovascular problems, rheumatic diseases, obesity, burns in the body, post-surgery, and intestinal diseases. If your CRP value is high, a definitive diagnosis is made by performing different tests to determine the cause that increases the CRP value.

Remember that CRP value alone is not sufficient to diagnose the disease. CRP values ​​are values ​​that give us a clue about the presence of a disease in our body that we are not aware of or that has not yet shown symptoms. If the CRP value is high, your doctor will make a definitive diagnosis of your disease with analysis and tests and will begin the treatment process.

In patients who respond positively to treatment, the CRP value will begin to decrease and fall within the reasonable range. During the treatment, CRP values ​​will be monitored with CRP tests and the extent of response to the treatment can be seen.

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What are the symptoms of high CRP?

Elevated CRP does not cause any symptoms on its own. However, patients may develop various symptoms depending on health problems such as infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases that trigger an increase in CRP levels. These symptoms may be exacerbated by increasing CRP levels, especially in the case of any infectious disease. There are no specific signs and symptoms of high CRP. However, symptoms that may occur in cases of elevated CRP due to reasons such as moderate and severe infections, chronic inflammations and poorly controlled autoimmune diseases include:

  • high fever
  • Pain
  • Fatigue and fatigue easily
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • chills, shivering
  • Indigestion, diarrhea or intestinal problems
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Cough

The most common cause in individuals with very high CRP levels is acute bacterial infections. In this case, complications such as high fever, sweating, tremors, fast heartbeats, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, rash and hives may also develop. Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, you should definitely consult a health institution and undergo medical check-up.

How to Reduce CRP

Persons whose CRP is above the acceptable range should be examined by internal medicine physicians. A high CRP value indicates an inflammation or other distress in the body. Subsequent tests and assays make a definite diagnosis and CRP values ​​return to normal ranges after treatment.

In addition to eliminating the disease that causes CRP elevation, people should also pay attention to some issues to reduce CRP values. Getting rid of excess weight, doing regular sports, consuming omega-containing seafood, using olive oil, consuming nutrients such as bananas, almonds, pistachios, walnuts containing magnesium, and regular sleep and CRP values ​​can be provided within normal ranges.

In individuals, high cholesterol and especially high LDL, known as bad cholesterol, also cause the CRP level to increase. In these people, both structural problems in the vessels and high CRP levels increase the risk of complications such as cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke. Therefore, people who learn that their CRP level is high should consult their physician.

What Does Low CRP Mean?

A CRP value of more than 10 milligrams per liter causes suspicion of inflammation or other problem in the body. After these results, new tests are performed for definitive diagnosis. A low CRP indicates that there is no concern. A low CRP value means that there is no inflammation in the body. It also demonstrates that treatment responds positively to the disease diagnosed after high CRP values.

CRP levels are always low in people who do not have inflammation in their body, who do regular sports, who consume seafood regularly, who are not exposed to cigarette smoke or who smoke, and who give importance to consumption of vegetables and fruits. The low CRP value is one of the values ​​that indicate that a person is healthy. If your CRP is low, you can be sure you're on the right track and live the same way.

What is the relationship between CRP values ​​and heart?

Recent studies have shown that heart diseases, especially heart attacks, can be seen in people with high CRP values. Cardiologists are conducting further examinations and analyzes at this point in order to prevent people with high CRP from experiencing heart disease.

An inflammation in the body is thought to be a process that leads to occlusion of the vessels, which is thought to increase the risk of heart attack. Cardiologists recommend that people with a high CRP value should exercise regularly, stop smoking if they are using it, lose weight if they are overweight, sleep regularly, avoid stress and eat.

How is CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein Test) Done?

CRP value is checked by blood test, regardless of fasting or satiety. CRP value begins to increase within 4-6 hours due to infection in the blood. Depending on the type of infection, it can reach its highest level in the blood between 24 hours and 48 hours.

What is Normal CRP Value?

The normal value of C-reactive protein (CRP) is usually determined by laboratory standards and these values ​​may vary in different healthcare institutions. But in general, normal levels of CRP are low and increase in cases of inflammation or infection. The normal range of CRP level is generally considered to be <0,3 mg/L (milligram/litre) (1). However, some healthcare institutions or laboratories may determine the normal range in different ways depending on the devices they use. At the same time, normal values ​​of CRP levels may vary depending on factors such as age, gender, health status and lifestyle.

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