The sun itself is a star. The solar system, on the other hand, is a structure composed of planets, dwarf planets, satellites of the planets, comets and clouds of gas and dust circulating around the sun.
First of all, if we define the planets in the solar system, the planet is the name given to the celestial bodies that travel around the sun and have an orbit, have a mass that can form a spherical structure due to its own gravitational force, and therefore are in hydrostatic equilibrium, and have cleared their orbit according to the theory of planet formation.
There are eight planets in the solar system. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, but continues as Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. If we sort by size, it continues as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus and Mercury.
Besides these large planets, there are also dwarf planets in the solar system. Dwarf planets are similar to planets in many ways, but there are also some differences. If we define the concept of dwarf planet; It can be defined as "a celestial body that has an orbit around the sun, has a mass that can form a spherical structure due to its gravitational force, and therefore has a hydrostatic equilibrium, has not cleared its orbit according to the theory of planet formation, and has no satellites."
The most well-known of the dwarf planets is Pluto, which the International Astronomical Union included in the dwarf planet class in 2006. Apart from Pluto, the most well-known dwarf planets are Cere, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.
Apart from planets and dwarf planets, small bodies with other celestial bodies circulating around the sun are present in the solar system.

1.JÃœPÄ°T is

Jupiter got its name from one of the gods in Roman mythology. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It ranks fifth in terms of distance to the sun. And its average distance is around 778.000.000 kilometers. While its core consists of iron and similar heavy elements, its surface consists of liquids that are not very dense such as liquid hydrogen. Its surface consists of colored clouds and these clouds contain substances such as hydrogen, helium and ammonia. Severe storms occur due to the very thick atmosphere of Jupiter. Jupiter has three orbited moons. The largest of these satellites are Callisto, Ganymede, Io and Europa.
Jupiter is a ringed planet. However, it was found to be ringed late because it reflects very little light. Jupiter has a lot of magnetic field.
2.MERK is
It is the closest to the sun and the smallest planet in the solar system. Another name of Mercury is Utarit. Mercury does not have a known satellite. Therefore, the rotation speed is much higher than other planets. Since it is small, it is a very difficult planet to watch over the Earth. It is a planet close to Earth in terms of density. It is a very solid planet in structure and has craters, lava flows and giant basins on its surface. Just like Jupiter, it was named after a god in Roman mythology. It is a very hot planet because it is close to the sun. Because the atmosphere is negligible, the temperature difference is not much.


One of the planets in the solar system is Venus. It is the closest planet to the Earth 's orbit as an orbit, so it is the closest and brightest planet on earth. It can be easily seen especially with the naked eye at sunrise and sunset. The Venus planet, also known as the Shepherd's Star, is also known as the Morning Star, the Evening Star, or the Tan Star. It is the second closest planet to the Sun. Venus is the brightest celestial body after the Sun and Moon. Venus, the hottest planet in the Solar System, has many craters and active volcanoes on its surface and its entire surface is covered with clouds of sulfuric acids. It is named after Venus, known as Aphrodite in Roman Mythology. It rotates around its axis in the opposite direction to the rotation of other planets. Another interesting feature of Venus is that it completes its rotation around the Sun faster than its rotation around its axis. The planet Venus is very curious and a lot of spacecraft are sent from Earth.


Although Mars is the fourth planet in terms of distance to the Sun, it is the second smallest planet. Mars is also called Red Planet because of its red appearance due to iron oxide. Mars has two moons. The names of these satellites are Phobos and Deimos. Mars was first observed by Galileo. There are many glacial areas and clouds in the polar regions of Mars. Mars has seasons just like on Earth, but the duration of these seasons is twice as long as on Earth. There are low plains and high hills on the surface of Mars. This feature is similar to the moon. There are also craters and volcanoes formed as a result of meteor impacts.


Another planet in the solar system is Saturn. It is the sixth planet closest to the solar system. It comes second after Jupiter in size. Saturn is seven hundred times our Earth in volume. It is one of the planets that can be viewed with the naked eye. Saturn is similar in shape to the Earth because of its large structure, which is flattened from the pole and equator, but Saturn has a ring of gases. Most of its atmosphere consists of hydrogen molecules in liquid or gaseous form. Saturn has fifty-three satellites that are officially known. The most well-known of these are Pandora and Titan.


One of the planets in the solar system is Uranus and it was discovered from the famous astronomer William Herschel of 1781. It is the third largest planet in the solar system and is approximately sixty-four times larger than the Earth. It ranks seventh in terms of proximity to the sun. In terms of satellite, Jupiter and Saturn are third. It is not a planet that can be seen from Earth with a simple telescope. It can complete its rotation around the sun in approximately eighty-four years. I have a bluish appearance. There are twenty-seven known satellites. Some of the best known are Ariel and Miranda. Uranus, whose rotation axis is very inclined, has an inclination close to ninety degrees. Its atmosphere is embedded in a deep layer of cloud and consists of special gases.

you 7.NEP

Neptune, another of the planets from the solar system, is the planet farthest away from the sun and fourth in size. This planet is also called Poseidon, also known as the ancient Greek sea and water god. Research has revealed that it is not a planet suitable for living life. Its atmosphere is very similar to Uranus, but clouds are more prominent than Uranus. It is a planet seventeen times larger than the Earth. The season lasts for forty years. It is a huge ice floe because it is so far away from the sun. It has fourteen known satellites. Triton is the most well known and also the largest satellite. Since it is the farthest planet to the Sun and also to Earth, the information is very limited.

8.DÃœNY to

The last planet in the solar system and the Earth on which we lived. The world ranks third in terms of proximity to the Sun and fifth in size. The world is the only planet where life can be detected. The Earth, which has a very strong magnetic field, takes this feature from the iron and nickel elements it contains in its nucleus. The Earth's only natural satellite is the Moon, and the gravitational force that exists between the Moon and the Earth causes tides on the Earth. Although the Earth 's atmosphere consists essentially of nitrogen, there is a layer of ozone in the atmosphere that protects the Earth from harmful sun rays. The shape of the Earth is swollen from the flattened equator and is called a geoid. The Earth completes its rotation around the sun in three hundred and sixty five days and six hours, and its rotation around itself in twenty-four hours.

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