These are the injuries that occur in the heart muscle as a result of the heart muscle being deprived of oxygen for a while as a result of the blockage in the main nourishing vessels of the heart. Heart attack is a disease that is instantaneous and can have fatal consequences. Heart attack in the world and in Turkey ranks first in the ranking cause of death. Every 100 death in our country is caused by heart and heart diseases.

What are the factors that trigger heart attacks?

The main factors that trigger heart attacks are; diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are the main reasons. In addition to cigarette consumption, overweight, familial and genetic predisposition are included. Stress and intense lifestyle, excessive sedentary lifestyle are also triggering reasons. Age is also effective in heart attack. (35 in men after age, 45 in women and postmenopausal period).

What are the symptoms of heart attack?

The most common symptom is chest pain. These are usually pain lasting more than 20 minutes. Although this pain may be in the middle of the chest, it can be felt in the back, shoulders, neck and abdomen. In addition to pain, sweating and in some cases vomiting may also be added. In addition to these symptoms, there are shortness of breath, nausea, tremor, slowing of the pulse, cooling of the skin and bruising.

What should be done instantly?

The person who has a heart attack should not eat or drink at that moment, but should consume only one glass of water and one aspirin. In addition, as the cough increases the blood flow temporarily, the nostrils should be closed and the cough should be tried to cough strongly. If the person can open it in the room or place, open the window. During a heart attack, one should sit or lie down instead of standing. Do not enter under cold or hot water. Especially cold water is very dangerous in such cases. It can cause the vessels to contract, making the current situation worse.

How to Tell Heart Attack

Blood tests, echocardiography, and cardiac catheterization.
How is heart attack treated?
Nowadays, the most common method is to open the vessels that are occluded by balloon or stent. The faster the intervention of these vessels and the opening of the clogged vessels, the less damage the case. That is, the delay in providing blood flow increases the likelihood of damage.

What are the ways to prevent heart attacks?

In order to avoid a heart attack, one must first make some changes in his / her lifestyle. If you need to look at these briefly; first, the person should review the diet. It should pay attention to a healthier diet. Another item should be the waist measurements. Because fat accumulated around the waist and abdomen increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Regular sports will reduce the risk of heart attack. It should also control the health and psychology of the person and pay attention to the protection. Alcohol and cigarette consumption should be limited. Regular sleep and stressful living should also be considered. Cholesterol and blood pressure should be considered if it is one of the important points to prevent heart attacks. And be careful not to upgrade.

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