Table of Contents

It is the first and last constitution of the Ottoman Empire. It consists of 12 title and 119 item. The titles of this article are defined in the first seven articles of the Ottoman Empire. 12 - 8 article, general law on Ottoman citizenship, information on government in 26 - 27 articles, information about civil servants, 38 - 39 articles, Assembly-i general articles 41- 42 articles, committee-i ayan articles The provisions of the judiciary are considered among the articles 59 - 60, while the items of mebusan are among the articles 64 - 65. Articles of Court of Divisions The articles 80 - 81, the financial and 91 - 92 items and the provincial items are included in the articles 95 - 96. Finally, various provisions are considered among the substances 107 - 108. The Constitution has been amended 112 times during its duration.

It forms the basis of the transition from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. It was accepted on December 23, 1876 and was declared by the Sultan on December 24 with the Hümayun. Thus, the parliamentary period established for the first time with the constitution started. In order to be elected as a deputy, one must be an Ottoman citizen, be fluent in Turkish and be under the age of 30.

The Importance of Legal Basis

In addition to being the first constitution, the public started to participate in the administration for the first time. For the first time, the people have the right to be elected, elected and represented. For the first time in the state, state form, legislative, executive, judicial principles and citizenship rights were regulated. This constitution was made using the constitutions of Poland, Belgium and Prussia. It was not submitted to a public vote. Legislative immunity was adopted and local governments were regulated for the first time. For the first time, the Supreme Court was regulated by the Constitution.

 Main Articles of Legal Basis

It was stated that the authority of the caliphate and the reign belonged to the biggest male member. It is stated that religion is Islam and language is Turkish. The Executive Committee was given to Vekile. Legislation was given to the ayan assembly and the deputy assembly. Ayan council members will be elected by the sultan. Every 50000 person can elect a deputy by the public. And the members of 4 are elected annually. There is a two-level selection. Law proposals can only be made by the government. The government is accountable to the sultan. The Sultan can open and close the council.

1909 Changes

With the transition to the parliamentary system, censorship was banned in the press. The exile authority and the authority to dissolve the parliament alone were abolished.

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