What is Mandarin?
It is among citrus fruits. Mandarin, a fruit of Chinese origin, is one of the exceptional fruits of evergreen leaves. There are many varieties of tangerine Clementine, Tangor, Satsuma, Owari varieties are available.
The fruit collected during the winter months during the normal season can be found at any time of the year after the greenhouse activities.
Benefits of Tangerine
The carbohydrate-rich fruit is consumed raw. Mandarin, which contains fiber and protein, is also rich in vitamin E and C. Fruits containing many ingredients; oil, bromine, thiamine, pyridoxine, sodium, potassium, calcium, copper.
It is consumed in order to protect against cold, flu and flu. Contains vitamin C It is also used for the prevention of liver cancer with the vitamin c it contains. It limits the production of cholesterol in the body. Regulates blood pressure. It is used as a regulator in people with low blood pressure. It also facilitates weight loss because of its abundant fiber structure. Strengthens the immune system. Skin protects health. It protects the health of the hair and strengthens the fragile hair strands.
Benefits of Tangerine Juice
It has antioxidant properties like tangerine itself. Like tangerines, tangerine peels are also useful.
Tangerine juice supports the metabolism of hair, skin, as in tangerine. Tangerine juice accelerates the absorption of iron in foods, but does not increase the amount of iron. Although it affects the nervous system positively, it is also important for mind and memory development. Tangerine peel has benefits such as preserving tissue health and preserving internal organs of teas made with tangerine peel. Tea made with tangerine peel keeps cholesterol level regularly when used regularly. Tangerine peel that softens the skin is also beneficial for dry skin. In addition to cleansing the skin, it also removes oils. Tea made with tangerine peel helps to maintain liver health while balancing blood sugar. Useful for the digestive system. It clears the intestines and resolves the problem of constipation. It has effects such as accelerating and stimulating metabolism. It protects against cardiovascular diseases by cleaning the blood. Helps reduce high blood pressure. Tangerine consumed in the evening helps to lower blood pressure. It strengthens the bones thanks to the vitamin A it contains. Mandarin, which is rich in B, promotes the formation of DNA and RNA and provides cell renewal. Prevents inflammation. It is rich in vitamin E. Prevents obesity.

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