What is Breast Cancer

What is Breast Cancer?
Although 8 is a type of cancer that one of the women may encounter, it occurs in the cells in the breast tissue. Although breast cancer can originate from any region in this tissue, the most common types of breast cancer are; nipple The other is caused by milk-producing glands. Breast cancer is more common in European countries than in Asian countries.

What are the factors that increase breast cancer?

Although breast cancer is the most common cancer risk for women, some factors may increase this risk. When these reasons are examined; people who have had their first birth after the age of 30, people who have had their first menstrual age, menopause later in life, long-term use of birth control pills, tall women, excessive alcohol consumption or smoking can increase the risk of breast cancer. Genetic susceptibility is also important among the factors that cause breast cancer.

What are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?

Although breast cancer has various symptoms, the most common symptoms are; firstly the mass or glands in the breast or armpit. Other signs of this include changes in breast size or shape, and bloody discharge from the breast. Other signs of breast cancer are changes in shape and color in the skin of the breast or nipple, and withdrawal of the breast or nipple. Pain and tenderness are also symptoms.

How is breast cancer diagnosed?

The diagnosis of breast cancer, as in many types of cancer, may not show significant findings until later stages. Therefore, it is important to be conscious in early diagnosis. There are three simple methods for early diagnosis. These are the examination that the person can do himself at home, the second is the examination by the doctor and the third method is mammography.

What is Breast Cancer Treatment?

Surgery is the main treatment of choice for breast cancer. This preferred method is an operation in which the breast tissue is completely removed. However, breast conserving surgery is preferred in some early stage diagnoses. In this method, the cancer cells are taken and the part of the healthy part is to leave. The treatment process can be divided into local and systematic treatment. Although surgery and radio therapy system can be shown to the local treatment process; In the systematic treatment process, chemotherapy, hormone treatment and biological treatment processes are applied. During the treatment period, chemotherapy can be applied before surgical intervention and the tumor can be reduced and lost. Thus, removal of the breast as a result of surgical intervention can be prevented.

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