Loneliness in terms of Modernity

When we look at human beings as a constantly changing and evolving species, it can be understood more clearly the importance of all the events that have been experienced during the historical periods he has gone through and played an important role in his evolution. All the sociological, economic and cultural values ​​left behind have brought new perspectives, ways of living and thinking to human species. In this context, the events that marked the periods and made serious investigations, researches and debates even today affected the large masses and transformed them in accordance with their own structure.
The concept of modernity, which is such an area, has spread rapidly after certain steps taken towards modern life and has managed to infiltrate not only the physical appearance of the individuals but also the spiritual thinking. Even though the post-modern understanding, which has begun to be discussed in the new era, has brought a new breath to the traditional values ​​of modernity, the understanding of modern life continues to exist in full force.
“Our age of human thought is constantly changing, gentle and full of crises is in a circuit. There are two fundamental reasons for these changes; The first is the destruction of religious, political and social beliefs, the source of all elements of our civilization. The second is the emergence of new conditions of living and thought, which are the result of new discoveries of science and technique. ”(Le Bon, 2017, p.15) The ideas of the old world that we left behind with the new lifestyle that the modern world gives us, are sometimes very primitive when we examine it today. and sometimes it leaves a harsh effect on us. However, when we turn our perspective to post-modernity, we can understand that we as individuals, as individuals and as a society at large, are in unpredictable situations.
Modern life, the idea of ​​individualization in the first stage of development and development of the basic values ​​of the mind and had taken all the social, economic, cultural studies on the basis of the determined had advanced. The industry and technology advancing in this direction imposed a number of forms of life and perception that people were aware of (a) or not. People who are getting more and more accustomed to the machinery and the urban life, have been imbued with “how they should be le especially with the developing visual technologies. In this regard, it is necessary to draw attention to the place of television and other media in our lives. “Our media-metaphors classify the world on our behalf, draw a framework, and make arguments about the appearance of the world. (Postman, 2017, p. 19) Since its inception, the media, which has increasingly encompassed us, have begun to shape our identity and shape our identity, so to speak.
The consumption element has been transformed into a fury as a result of the merger of advancing industrial technologies with the capital system, and the media has driven societies with advertising and other marketing tools into the midst of this consumption frenzy. The affordability has placed people in the minds of the idea that almost everything in the process has a money equivalent. Increasingly admired by the material, societies have brought the conditions of freedom, positivist point of view and individualization promised by modernity to another point. The inevitable advances in technology have maximized our speed of achieving something desired and this has brought a new dimension to the consumption frenzy. With this established system, people entered an unprecedented period. However, as time progressed, a new thought took place in individuals in societies. Fast consumption in every field has caused something to become empty. This is the main reason for the emergence of modern travelers.

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