Oğuz Atay is a writer who has come to the agenda today, his books have been the subject of many series and his words have a strong impact on people. The words, "Colonel, it doesn't make sense," are known by most people and have been language-based. Well, how often and simply use the words of Oguz Atay we know how much. How much we know about your life. It is debated how much we can take an example of such a great writer. Oğuz Atay takes place in the minds with his book Tutunamayanlar. And many of the contents of his life can be found in this book.
Oğuz Atay is known as the first author to work in postmodern style. Oğuz Atay became an engineer because of his father's wishes and started his writing career only when he was thirty-five years old. Although he could not produce many works after the age of thirty-five, he is one of our important writers. Although the number of his books is not much, his books are still being read and the number of readers is increasing every passing day. In his books, he included quite a lot of ironies, internal analyzes, interrogations, self-talk and existence problems.
Oğuz Atay 12 October 1934 was born in Kastamonu İnebolu. He is a novelist, short story writer and an engineer. Oğuz Atay was withdrawn from his childhood and his introversion led him to books when he was a child. Oğuz Atay was also interested in many kinds of art with his mother's guidance. He made painting and caricature works and was interested in theater in high school years. However, despite all his artistic curiosity, he graduated from the engineering department under the direction of his father.
During his military service, he met Vüsat O. Bener for the first time and gained a literary environment. He saw the writer and poet Bener as both a friend and a mentor and met with him frequently.
Oğuz Atay's father Cemil Bey was a lawyer and also a member of parliament, so his primary school teacher was his mother Muazzez Hanim. His father, Cemil Bey, has a very serious and authoritarian character and tried to raise his son as he always wanted. He did not want him to be interested in art or theater. However, unlike his father, his mother Muazzez Hanım was a supportive and understanding side.
A few years later his sister Okşan Ögel was born, but Oğuz Atay was jealous of his brother and did not want him. He even called your brother a bundle.
His pre - school life was spent in Kastamonu. However, when his father was elected as a member of parliament, they moved to Ankara, where he started the Revolution Primary School in 1940. Oğuz Atay started school in the second year because his mother had previously taught literacy. He had a shy elementary school period. During secondary school, he started to read many writers from world literature. He stated that his favorite writers were Kafka and Dostoevsky. During his high school years, he was interested in painting and theater.
Oğuz Atay graduated from Ankara College with a high average and earned his bachelor's degree in Engineering from Istanbul Technical University.
Oğuz Atay met Turhan Tükel in his university life and thanks to him he met Marxism and started to read the books of people like Hegel and Lenin.
After his graduation from university, he went to Ankara in December 1957. Here he met Cevat Çapan and Vüsat O. Bener. With his involvement in literary personalities, he began writing articles for Sunday Post. Cemal Süreya, Turgut Uyar, Can Yücel and Fethi Naci supported the Sunday Post in that period.
After demobilization at 1959, he returned to Istanbul. He worked at Denizcilik Bank, Istanbul State Academy of Engineering and Architecture. While Oğuz Atay was working in İstanbul, he continued to produce products by moving Pazar Postası to İstanbul.
Oğuz Atay married his friend Fikriye Fatma Güzel in June 1961. His daughter Özge was born within a year. However, this marriage could only last for six years due to the lack of inner life of Oğuz Atay and his immersion in books. They were separated in 1967. They became close to their friend's ex-wife Sevin Seydi and started to live in the same house. Sevin Seydi is a painter and Oguz Atay dedicated his first two books to him.
Oğuz Atay finished Tutunamayanlar in 1970 and taught both his master and his friend Vüsat O. Bener. Although he won the TRT Roman Prize in the same year, his book published in 1972 did not receive enough attention. But this book is very much liked and read today. The words of some characters in the book are widely shared, especially on social media.
Oguz Atay published Dangerous Games in 1973 just after Tutunamayanlar. But this book, like Tutunamayanlar, did not receive enough attention. After his second novel, Oğuz Atay, who came close to Pakize Kutlu, made his second marriage in 1974.
In 1975, his former teacher, Prof.Dr. Dr. He wrote and published the biography of Mustafa İnan. In addition, during this year, he wrote a theater book named Oyunla Yaşayanlar and a story book named Korkuyu Beklerken. His works are described as postmodern. The author's book, The Science of Action, is incomplete and is learned from these diaries.
During this period, she became very unwell and was diagnosed with two tumors in her brain, and the treatment went to London and she was admitted to Atkinson Morley's Hospital. One of the tumors could be removed after the operations. After treatment in London to Turkey has turned and closed his eyes to life in December 13 1977.
It is said that Oğuz Atay was with his friends at a friend's house in 13 December and his last words were Sev Don't rejoice, I'm not dead yet. '
The body of Oğuz Atay, who died at the age of forty-four, is in the Edirnekapı Sakızağacı Martyrdom. Unfinished years after his death, his book was published in Eylembilim.
Although the author has not received enough attention in his life, his works are very popular today and have been published many times. Since it was the first author to produce postmodern works, Oğuz Atay Literary Products started to be named in 2007.
Those who can not 1.TUTUN
This work was first published in 1972. This work is both the author's first book and is shown as one of the first examples of our literature in postmodern style. The main characters of the book are Selim Işık, Turgut Özben and Süleyman Kargı. And it is known that he created these characters inspired by the people in his own life. In this work, the author describes the loneliness of the individual in the modern city life and the inability to keep up with the society, and the fact that this lifestyle is odd.
This book of the author is in the list of the best books. Turgut Özben 's friend Selim Işık' s efforts after suicide, life can not hold describes the state. In the book, the author included quite ironies, imaginary elements and internal monologues. In particular, his conversations with Olric in the mind of Turgut Özben are very popular today and are used as book quotes.
The protagonist of this novel by the author is Hikmet Benol. In this book, the author has given a lot of space to internal monologues and images, just like in Those Who Can't Hold On. Hikmet Benol acts as if he is playing a game in the book. This book has also been adapted for the theater.
This book of the author was published in 1975. It ranks first in the list of the best biography-autobiography books. In the book, Mustafa İnan's being a scientist despite the difficult lives is written in the original style of Oğuz Atay.
His other books are Games Living, Waiting for Fear, Action Science and the Journal.

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